I love access to the railway line - a guaranteed isolated area for wild flowers to grow. The problem is so many of the railway lines in London are fenced off, walled off, inaccessible. This one area of the north London line where the Overground and freight trains run is at least visible through railings which allow my small camera to fit through so I can take photos and I don't see evidence of weedkiller along the tracks recently.
And as a bonus the Post Office Tower is visible in the distance.
This is the year (or time of year) of hoary mustard (Hirschfeldia incana)! I have seen so much of it, especially along the railway line here.
hoary mustard in front of the railings and behind the railings to the right, hawkweed oxtongue to the left behind the railings, Post Office Tower in the distance
this line runs underneath the line above, smooth sow thistle and hoary mustard
Oxford ragwort (Senecio squalidus), famous for spreading along the railway lines of Britain
Oxford ragwort on the left, hoary mustard on the right
purple toadflax and hawkweed oxtongue
hawkweed oxtongue (Picris hieraciodes)
a huge hawkweed oxtongue initial basal rosette
aster amellus, Michaelmas daisy in flower
aster amellus Michaelmas daisy in bud
toadflax (Linaria vulgaris)
more toadflax with a dandelion amongst it
stinging nettle nearby with huge leaves