Wildflower and Plant Rosettes

Lots of plants start as rosettes so I wanted to show all the examples I've seen. Some are more rosette-like than others. I will be adding to this page as I see them or find my photos (challenging as I've taken so many).

horseweed rosette

Unknowns at the bottom

Autumn Hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis
Beaked Hawk's-Beard Crepis vesicaria
Black Medick Medicago lupulina
Black Nightshade Solanum nigrum
Bramble Rubus
Bristly Oxtongue Helminthotheca echioides
Broad-leaved Plantain Plantago major
Buck's Horn Plantain Plantago coronopus
Cat's Ear Hypochaeris radicata
Celery-Leaved Crowfoot Ranunculus sceleratus
Charlock Sinapsis arvensis
Claytonia / Winter purslane Claytonia perfoliata
Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara
Comfrey Symphytum
Common Daisy Bellis perennis
Common Knotgrass Polygonum aviculare
Common Whitlowgrass Draba verna
Common Stork's-bill Erodium cicutarium
Creeping Buttercup Ranunculus repens
Creeping Yellowcress Rorippa sylvestris
Jersey Cudweed Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale
Danish scurvygrass Cochlearia danica
Dock Rumex
Dropwort Filipendula vulgaris
Eastern Rocket Sisymbrium orientale
Evening Primrose Oenothera biennis
Forget-me-not Mysotis
Fox-and-cubs Pilosella aurantiaca
Foxglove Digitalis
Fringecups Tellima grandiflora
Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata
Dove's-foot Crane's-bill/ Dovesfoot Geranium Geranium molle
Globe Thistle Echinops
Great Mullein Verbascum thapsis
Greater Celandine Chelidonium majus
Groundsel Senecio vulgaris
Hawkweed Hieracium
Hawkweed Ox-Tongue Picris hieracioides
Hairy Bittercress Cardamine hirsuta
Hedge Mustard Sisymbrium officinale
Herb Robert Geranium robertianum
Honesty Lunaria annua
Hoary Mustard Hirschfeldia incana
Horseweed Erigeron canadensis
Ivy-leaved Speedwell Veronica hederifolia
Greater Knapweed Centaurea scabiosa
Knautia Macedonica  
Knotted Hedge Parsley Torilis nodosa
Lesser Burdock Arctium minus
Lesser Celandine Ficaria verna
London Rocket Sisymbrium irio
Mallow Malva sylvestris
Marsh Yellow Cress Rorippa palustris
Moth Mullein  Verbascum blattaria
Nettle-leaved Bellflower Campanula trachelium
Nipplewort Lapsana communis
Ox-eye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare
Pellitory-of-the-wall Parietaria judaica
Greater / Broadleaf Plantain Plantago major
Pineappleweed Matricaria discoidea
     Corn / Red / Field Poppy / Common Papaver rhoeas
    Long-Headed poppy Papaver dubium
Perennial Sow-thistle Sonchus arvensis
Prickly Sow Thistle Sonchus asper
Ragwort Senecio Jacobaea
Ribwort Plantain Plantago lanceolata
Rue-Leaved Saxigrage Saxifraga tridactylites
Salad Burnet Sanguisorba minor
Small Scabious Scabiosa columbaria
Scented-Leaf Pelargonium (aka Geranium)  
Sea Radish Raphanus raphanistrum
Selfheal Prunella vulgaris
Sheep's-bit Jasione montana
Shepherd's Purse Capsella bursa-pastoris
Smooth Sow Thistle Sonchus oleraceus
Smooth Hawk's-beard Crepis capillaris
Spear Thistle Cirsium vulgare
Spotted Medick Medicago arabica
Stone Parsley Sison amomum
Sweet Rocket Hesperis matronalis
Swine Cress Lepidium coronopus
Teasel Dipsacus fullonum
Thale Cress Arabidopsis thaliana
Thistles Cirsium vulgare, Cirsium arvense
Great Mullein Verbascum thapsis
Verbascum Verbascum blattaria
Viper's Bugloss Echium vulgare
Water Figwort Scrophularia auriculata
Wall Lettuce Lactuca muralis
Wallflower Erysimum
Annual Wall Rocket Diplotaxis muralis
Wild Lettuce / Prickly Lettuce Lactuca virosa / Lactuca serriola
Willowherb Epilobium
Wood Avens Geum urbanum
Yarrow Achillea millefolium
unknown rosettes  


Autumn Hawkbit (Scorzoneroides autumnalis)

Scorzoneroides autumnalis autumn hawkbit

autumn hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis

July 2024

autumn hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis

Scorzoneroides autumnalis

autumn hawkbit

autumn hawkbit

autumn hawkbit

autumn hawkbit

Beaked Hawk's-Beard (Crepis vesicaria)

see more  at Beaked Hawk's-Beard Rosettes as I have so many photos.

beaked hawk's-beard crepis versicaria rosette

beaked hawks-beard initial basal rosette

beaked hawks-beard initial basal rosette

unknown weed rosette

unknown weed rosette

May 2024

crepis vesicaria beaked hawk's-beard

same rosettes a month later June 2024

crepis vesicaria beaked hawk's-beard

Black Medick (Medicago lupulina)

black medick rosette

Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum)

August 2024

black nightshade solanum nigrum rosette


bramble basal rosette

Bristly Ox-tongue (Helminthotheca echioides)

I have other photos of Bristly Ox-tongue rosettes but this one was amazing. August 2019

July 2024

bristly oxtongue Helminthotheca echioides

bristly oxtongue rosette

bristly oxtongue

bristly oxtongue

bristly oxtongue

bristly oxtongue

Broad-leaved Plantain (Plantago major)

July 2024

broad-leaved plantain Plantago major

broad-leaved plantain plantago major rosette

Buck's Horn Plantain (Plantago coronopus)

June 2024

buckshorn plantain Plantago coronopus

buck's-horn plantain

this area near me at the edge of a business park had the most prolific buck's-horn plantain rosettes (above and below) of anywhere I've seen, sadly they didn't bloom as they were savagely mown down regularly although a few that had spread to the pavement did bloom (see my wildflower page) but sadly the area is now a building site

buck's-horn plantain rosettes

Cat's Ear


catsear Hypochaeris radicata

Cat's Ear and ragwort end of February 2019

weed rosette



Celery-leaved Crowfoot (Ranunculus sceleratus)


charlock sinapsis arvensis


claytonia perfoliata rosette

claytonia perfoliata


coltsfoot Tussilago farfara


left to right, honesty, comfrey, milk thistle

comfrey rosette

Common Daisy / Lawn Daisy (Bellis perennis)

bellis perennis

this was at the bottom of this page as an unknown but seeing the one above in flower I'm pretty sure it's a daisy as well

Common Knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)

not sure how rosette-like this is but vaguely it is a rosette

common knotgrass

Common Stork's-bill (Erodium cicutarium)

common stork's-bill

common stork's-bill

common stork's-bill

March 2019 quite a small example


late summer stork's-bill rosette

stork's-bill rosette

Common Whitlowgrass


common whitlowgrass


common whitlowgrass draba verna

Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens)

creeping buttercup

creeping buttercup rosette

creeping buttercup rosette

Creeping Yellowcress

creeping yellowcress




Danish scurvygrass 

January 2025

danish scurvygrass cochearia danica

danish scurvygrass cochlearia danica

danish scurvygrass cochlearia danica

danish scurvygrass cochlearia danica


dock weed


this dock rosette is huge


Dropwort (Filipendula vulgaris)

I think, will observe to confirm

dropwort Filipendula vulgaris

Eastern Rocket

eastern rocket sisymbrium orientale

eastern rocket sisymbrium orientale

Evening Primrose

evening primrose


distinctive strong vein down the centre of the leaves



end of March

fox-and-cubs Pilosella aurantiaca rosette

a younger example, end of February

fox-and-cubs rosette



a close-up of a foxglove showing the texture of the leaves


Fringecups (Tellima grandiflora)

fringecups tellima grandiflora

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)

garlic mustard

Geranium Molle

not sure how "rosette" it is but in February 2018 one of the few plants growing so it caught my eye

geranium molle

a more developed geranium molle end of January 2019

geranium molle rosette

Globe Thistle

globe thistle initial rosette

Great Mullein (Verbascum thapsis)

verbascum thapsis rosette

Greater Celandine

I never thought of greater celandine as starting with a rosette but this January example looks rosette-like to me.

greater celadine

a less-developed example 2020

greater celandine

Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)

groundsel rosette

Hawkweed (Hieracium)

May 2021

hawkweed rosette

August 2024

hawkweed rosette

Hawkweed Ox-Tongue (Picris hieracioides)

hawkweed ox-tongue

January 2019 I saw this at Rainham Marshes


I think this is hawkweed ox-tongue

Herb Robert

herb robert

Hedge Mustard

March 2021

hedge mustard rosette sisymbrium offiicinale

February 2019 I'm seeing a lot of hedge mustard rosettes but no plants in flower yet, too early for that.

hedge mustard rosette

shepherd's purse

hedge mustard rosette

hedge mustard rosette

hedge mustard initial basal rosette

Hairy Bittercress

hairy bittercress rosettes

hairy bittercress

hairy bittercress initial rosette

Hoary Mustard

March 2021

Hirschfeldia incana hoary mustard

April 2023

Hirschfeldia incana hoary mustard

March 2024

Hirschfeldia incana hoary mustard

April 2024

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

I've seen a lot of hoary mustard and recently one with slightly different leaves which has inspired me to include more photos of the rosettes and their variations here.

January 2025

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

March 2019

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

hoary mustard

hoary mustard

this pedestrian bridge over the railway was a sheltered environment the hoary mustard (and some other plants) enjoyed

Nov 2020

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

Hirschfeldia incana hoary mustard

Feb 2021

Hirschfeldia incana hoary mustard

May 2020

Hirschfeldia incana hoary mustard

Sept 2020

hoary mustard rosette

hoary mustard rosette

April 2020

hoary mustard

hoary mustard basal rosettes often persist and are still present when the plant is flowering, as shown on these examples

Sept 2023

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

hirschfeldia incana hoary mustard

hoary mustard on the left, hawkweed oxtongue on the right

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana



Jersey Cudweed April 2022

jersey cudweed rosette Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum

Greater Knapweed


horseweed erigeron canadensis

Ivy-leaved Speedwell

Knautia Macedonica

knautia macedonica rosette

the same rosette a month later

knautia macedonica rosette

another knautia rosette

I think this is knautia macedonica but I think other knautia initial rosettes are probably similar (eg knautia arvensis / field scabious)

scabious rosette


Knotted Hedge Parsley (Torilis nodosa)

knotted hedge parsley

knotted hedge parsley

knotted hedge parsley

February 2019

weed rosette

Lesser Burdock (Arctium minus)

lesser burdock rosette

Lesser Celandine

lesser celandine Ficaria verna

London Rocket (Sisymbrium irio)

Tower Hill, March 2023

London rocket Sisymbrium irio

London rocket Sisymbrium irio

Whitechapel, east London, May 2023

london rocket sisymbrium irio

Mallow (Malva sylvestris)



as are so many plants, quite variable, the first two photos are a plant I saw recently (29-4-2022) which I at first puzzled over but think it is nipplewort although different from the other examples here

nipplewort lapsan communis

nipplewort lapsana communis

nipplewort rosette

nipplewort rosette

nipplewort rosettes

nipplewort rosette Castlehaven


Ox-eye Daisy

ox-eye daisy

ox-eye daisy


pineappleweed Matricaria discoidea

Matricaria discoidea pineappleweed

Greater or Broadleaf Plantain

broadleaf greater plantain plantago major

greater plantain Plantago major


Atlas Poppy (Papaver atlanticum)

I'm not sure if this is one rosette or more than one.

poppy rosette

Corn / field / red poppy (Papaver rhoeas)

corn poppy rosette

corn poppy rosette

Long-headed poppy

long-headed poppy papaver dubium

Marsh Yellow-cress

marsh yellow-cress rorippa palustris

Nettle-leaved Bellflower

nettle-leaved bellflower basal rosette

nettle-leaved bellflower basal rosette Campanula trachelium

nettle-leaved bellflower Campanula trachelium


Parietaria judaica pellitory-of-the-wall

Perennial Sow-thistle

July 2024

perennial sow-thistle sonchus arvensis

perennial sow-thistle sonchus arvensis

Prickly Sow Thistle

prickly sow thistle

bit different, assuming prickly sow thistle, not thistle

creeping thistle

I saw this prickly sow thistle (I think) at Rainham Marshes January 2019

prickly sow thistle

prickly sow thistle is quite variable, I saw this very different one a couple days ago (some flower bits dropped on it in the centre, ignore those)

prickly sow thistle rosette


early small ragwort rosette March 2017 on the patio next door

quite a small ragwort rosette March 2019 London NW1

ragwort rosette

large ragwort rosette at Rainham Marshes January 2019

ragwort rosette

a very small ragwort rosette I saw locally self-seeded in a pavement crack 9-2022

ragwort rosette

Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata)

ribwort plantain rosette

Rue-Leaved Saxifrage

rue-leaved saxifrage Saxifraga tridactylites

early March

rue-leaved saxifrage Saxifraga tridactylites

late March

rue-leaved saxifrage Saxifraga tridactylites

Salad Burnet (Sanguisorba minor)

April 2021

salad burnet rosette

middle of February 2019

salad burnet

I think this is the same rosette, first of April 2019

salad burnet

Small Scabious

scabiosa columbaria

a bud in the centre

scabiosa columbaria rosette

Scented Leaf Pelargonium (aka Geranium)

scented-leaf geranium

Sea Radish

sea radish raphanus raphanistrum

Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris)

selfheal prunella vulgaris

selfheal prunella vulgaris


Sheep's-bit (Jasione montana)

sheep's-bit rosette first year, before flowering

sheep's-bit rosette

sheep's-bit rosette second year after over-wintering


Shepherd's Purse

shepherd's-purse initial basal rosettes are extremely variable

shepherd's-purse capsella bursa-pastoris

shepherds purse capsella bursa-pastoris

shepherd's purse

shepherds purse

shepherd's-purse Capsella bursa-pastoris

shepherds-purse on the left, swinecress on the right

shepherd's-purse Capsella bursa-pastoris

shepherds purse

I saw these 14-2-2019 along the Regent's Canal. Two main rosettes are shepherd's purse but on close examination I see a hedge mustard in between them to the left.

shepherd's purse on the left, hedge mustard on the right

shepherd's purse with a small hedge mustard to the left below and another growing amongst below

photo below: two lower rosettes shepherd's purse, rosette above left hedge mustard

shepherd's purse next two photos

weed rosette

weed rosette

the rosette still extant when in flower for this example, variable whether the rosette persists

shepherds purse

Smooth Sow Thistle

January 2025

smooth sow thistle is quite variable, this one is quite small

smooth sow thistle

smooth sow thistle

smooth sow thistle

smooth sow thistle

Seen in isolation the two plants below might both be identified as smooth sow thistle but right next to each other, it's clear they are different. I think the one on the left is shepherd's purse and on the right smooth sow thistle but I will keep and eye on them and take some better photos and confirm as they develop. Just down the road from me so should be feasible.

smooth sow thistle comparison shepherds purse

Smooth Hawk's-Beard (Crepis capillaris)

smooth hawk's-beard rosette crepis capillaris

June 2021 a smooth hawk's-beard in bud with the rosette still present

crepis capillaris

Sept 2024 RSPB Rye Meads

smooth hawk's-beard crepis capillaris rosette

smooth hawk's-beard crepis capillaris rosette

smooth hawk's-beard crepis capillaris rosette

smooth hawk's-beard crepis capillaris rosette

smooth hawk's-beard crepis capillaris rosette

Spear Thistle

January 2025

spear thistle cirsium vulgare

July 2024

spear thistle rosette cirsium vulgare

Spotted Medick (Medicago arabica)

spotted medick

Stone Parsley

January 2025

stone parsley

January 2024

stone parsley Sison amomum

Sweet Rocket

hesperis matronalis sweet rocket

Swine Cress (Lepidium coronopus) / Lesser Swine Cress (Lepidium didymum)

without examining the fruits, I can't tell these apart

swine cress initial basal rosette

I saw this 4-1-2019

weed rosette

another rosette in the same area at the above, tiny buds in the centre

I saw the 3 swine cress rosettes above in the same place (Euston Road at Warren St) and that was the only place I'd seen swine cress until the other day when I saw these at a nearby park. This first one is a bit sparse and I thought it might be a buck's-horn plantain but looking more carefully I think it is swine cress but a very young less developed one.

swine cress rosette

this one is slightly more developed and more recognisable as swine cress, seen close to the one above

swine cress



the first year, teasel starts as a  low rosette

teasel rosette

second year, the rosette is enormous

teasel rosette

Thale Cress

thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana

thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana

thale cress on the right, hairy bittercress on the left

thale cress hairy bittercress rosettes


I think this is a spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare).

thistle rosette

this thistle has more pronounced spears than the one above which makes me wonder, is that spear

spear thistle

this is even hairier, natural variation? January 2019 Rainham Marshes

spear thistle rosette rainham marshes

close-up of the thistle rosette above

a comparison of thistle leaves (2 kinds anyway), spear on the left, creeping on the right

thistle leaves comparison

moth mullein (Verbascum blattaria ) tall with white flowers

seen at RSPB Rye Meads Sept 2023

verbascum blattaria rosette

verbascum blattaria moth mullein

this verbascum rosette does look a bit like teasel but it's smooth and doesn't have the blisters, on March 20th (first day of Spring 2018) it has ice, we've had a bitter cold few days


verbascum rosettes


verbascum seedlings

verbascum rosettes

Great Mullein (Verbascum thapsis)

verbascum thapsis

Viper's Bugloss (Echium vulgare)

vipers bugloss echium vulgare

Wall Lettuce

wall lettuce

wall lettuce rosette lactuca muralis

wall lettuce rosette lactuca muralis

Wallflower ?? Stock ??

July 2024


Annual Wall Rocket

annual wall rocket rosette

annual wall rocket rosette

Water Figwort (Scrophularia auriculata)

Sept 2024

water figwort scrophularia auriculata

April 2019

Wild Lettuce or Prickly Lettuce, can be difficult to differentiate

January 2019 Rainham Marshes

January 2019 Rainham Marshes



short-fruited willowherb


Wood Avens (Geum urbanum)

wood avens rosette

July 2024

wood avena geum urbanum

wood avens rosette


February 2019

yarrow initial basal rosettes


Unknown Rosettes

The weeds above and below are in a church garden up the road, which unfortunately is locked sometimes so it may be difficult to follow up on these but I do hope to see them develop and flower this spring/summer and become identifible (also visible hairy bittercress, chickweed, petty spurge, oxalis and something I'm not sure of). Umbellifers - definitely something I need to come back to and I've seen recent examples which are more accessible

not sure how identifiable this is yet

close-up of this weed rosette -update- saw this round the corner, end of summer 2018 but it's gone now 2019

weed rosette

another view of that weed rosette showing to scale how small it is

In the back garden next door, I think this must be a knautia macedonia or a scabious, both of which I've grown from seed and purchased small plants. I maixqw entain some pots on the patio next door, inc knautia and scabious plants and sure seeds are spread from my garden there as well. Hopefully he won't mow the "lawn" before I see what happens with it. Very soft, definitely not a thistle. -update- it's gone now - no idea why as that area hasn't been mown but sure it was a knautia.

weed rosette

this could be prickly sow thistle, if it was in my garden I'd leave it and see how it develops but as I saw it on the pavement, no guarantees it will be left to grow



unknown weed rosette





I saw this on St Pancras Way on the patch of ground where the buck's-horn plantain rosettes were, February 2019. Poppy?


end of March, at first glance I thought this was a thistle but it actually felt quite soft, I'll have to keep an eye on it to confirm one way or the other