What goes in the Wildflower Guide and what is here in the Plant Guide is completely arbitrary. You may have something in the weed guide that you love in your garden and similarly you may have something invasive or even with an RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit) which is annoying in your garden. Decide what you like and don't like! Check both pages if you're looking for an ID. (I have lots of plants to add here, it's a bit of a mess, trying to add all the plants in my garden and those I see out and about, also it's heavy on the seedlings as I was trying to identify them and I don't always have the resulting plants/flowers but I'm working on it). There's also a page of tiny seedlings.
I saw this yesterday (2-9-2017) in the walled carpark round the corner from me. We also saw it on the Chelsea Fringe Weed Walk (but I guess I was too tired to take a pic); it was in bloom then and it's still in bloom. There were bees going into the flowers but my camera could not capture that in focus sadly.
Acanthus Mollis (bear's breeches)
these are along the Regents Canal near me, I can't imagine they self-seeded, I think there must have been some guerilla gardening going on, they look spectacular, getting lots of sun, my garden acanthus spinosus (spiny bear's breeches) is poor in comparison and a favourite of the slugs, haven't had a flower this year
bindweed to the right
not a weed after all, end of June I wasn't sure what this was but the pic below, end of July does look like agastache anisata and it smells strongly of anise
I think this is the pot above a year and a half later but will confirm as it develops, agastache in the middle, aquilegia to the right
it has turned into a magnificent self-seeder, original plant on the right, large self-seeded plant between the paving slabs in the middle, a smaller self-seeded plant between the slabs on the left and a self-seeded plant in the pot on the left, the bees are loving the flowers on all of them
I got these from the garden centre.
very small seedling, I was thinking aquilegia? hardy geranium? but it became clear when it got a flower bud
and here is that seedling 2 months later
two weeks later and it has a nodding flower bud
these I grew myself from corms
Thanks for Michael who identified this via FB. I saw this at Spitalfields Farm in East London, August 2017.
a close-up of the flowers
Aquilegia please see the Weed Guide
ornamental Bacopa (Chaenostoma cordatum)
I saw this on the pavement in Harley St, London W1 on 31-10-2017. I presume it self-seeded from a flower in a pot or window box.
I saw both of these in a planting in central London, April 2018
epimedium x perralderianum
epimedium x warleyense
these orange flowers round the corner are striking
close-up of those vibrant orange flowers
close-up of those distinctively-shaped leaves
I have the usual pink-flowered bergenia in my garden but I saw this white one yesterday (16-4-2018).
my pink-flowered bergenia (appears a bit too white, guess my photo is over-exposed)
often confused with green alkanet which also has blue flowers (see them below in the Comfrey pic)
this has self-seeded (from my garden) in the garden next door
borage buds
borage leaves, buds just forming in the centre
very distinctive curved seeds
calendula seedlings and small plants
calendulas in bloom
November 2018 with a great display of berries
I have this in the weed guide as it self-seeds a bit like a weed, top and bottom of the cyclamen coum below are some seedlings, the bottom ones look like green alkanet
close-up of the top seedling from the pot above
Mountain Cornflower (Centaurea Montana)
with the flower fully open
young plants, mid-March
the top two in the pic below are self-seeded centaurea montana
the bottom one is a globe thistle, both plants are extremely similar at this point, the prickly edge on the globe thistle is the determing characteristic
the terracotta pots below are the same as those above
bottom left pot: pansy/viola , bottom right pot: teasel? forget-me-not ? willowherb
and just to compare the centaureas, this is lesser knapweed (centaurea nigra) from the Weed Guide
Cerastostigma / Leadwort / Plumbago (Ceratostigma larpentiae or plumbaginoides or willmottianum)
I'm not sure which this one is. I saw it in St Pancras Old Church Churchyard..
close-up of the flower
entire shrub, it's the shorter one in the front
Don't think it's considered a weed but it is a self-seeder you may find appearing in the garden. I originally planted seeds for this two years ago. These two suddenly appeared this week (late August).
Cerinthe is the large-leaved plant on the right. The others look like pansies or violas. I don't recall planting them specifically in this pot but I've certainly planted plenty of seeds for them in the past and they do self-seed.
on the left below is a cerinthe seedling, they are quite identifiable from their earliest appearance, unlike the red-tinged seedlings on the right which I'm not sure if they are verbena bonariensis or wild basil (both grow nearby) but will update when they are more identifiable
I don't consider this a weed but I include it to help identify it in case it is mistaken for a weed. It has a way of blending into the background in the spring/summer before the amazing lanterns appear. I forgot what it was this year and almost pulled it out as a weed and I've had it in my garden for 10 years! And of course if you do pull it up as a weed you'll miss the lanterns.
1. Chinese Lantern seedling
2. small Chinese Lantern plant
2a. Chinese Lantern before it flowers
3. Chinese Lantern with white flower
4. full size Chinese Lantern plants, with white flowers
5. Chinese Lantern with orange "lanterns"
I took this photo in October last year. There's nothing like this mass of orange lanterns at the end of the season. And leaving them, they'll self-seed. (the large-leaved plants are bergenia)
Cleome spinosa / spider flower
before the flowers appear, just wanted to capture the look of those upright textured leaves
purple flowers the bees adore
comfrey plant (on the right) with buds before it bloomed, green alkanet on the left, also a bit on the right with blue flowers
I saw this nearby. I'd never seen one with flowers, but actually . .
they are berries
Thank you to Michael (via Facebook) for an id of coriander. I also saw this at Spitalfields Farm. It's actually quite small and thought something related to hairy bittercress, although it isn't that but it is similar in size.
close-up of the flowers which seem to only have petals halfway round, very distinctive
all cornflower seedlings aside from that larger grass-like one on the right - something indeterminate from the bird seed
Garden Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus)
cosmos buds
Milkflower Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster lacteus)
This is in the front garden 2 doors down from me. I happened to be there after it had flowered but before the berries were red. (must get a photo of the flowers next year)
when it has the red berries
Tree Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster frigidus) maybe Cornubia
the leaves are longer and thinner than lacteus above
Cup and Saucer Vine (Cobaea scandens)
I saw this in Regent's Park mid-November 2018
Cyclamen coum have flowers or leaves, but not at the same time. The slugs tend to be pretty tough on them in my garden.
this is the leaf stage, the bulb is that large brown pebble-like thing, also visible above but easier to see below
a few weeks later
and a few weeks later still, have transplanted them into bigger pots but that little one in the foreground in a small pot - obviously the result of a very late germination, so much smaller than all the others but the seeds were sown at the same time
another seedling appeared in this pot, very furry/hairy leaves and stem
an unpdate of the plant above, a month or so later, now about 29 cm tall, sadly consumed by slugs after I planted it in a flowerbed
this is another batch of seedlings, extremely long time to get going, wanted to show how the third leaf, ie the first after the 2 seed leaves, has that distinctive shape seen on the young seedlings above
this self-seeded in a pot (the one with the suspected groundsel from the front wall), shown below with the unknowns
Marguerite Daisy (Argyranthemum frutescens)
close-up of the flat leaves
Mexican Fleabane (Erigeron karvinskianus)
March 2017 I first noticed this and didn't know what it was. I tried to research plants with this leaf shape, which is distinctive, but didn't get very far.
April 2017
a few weeks later into April, not much change
at some point I thought it must be erigeron and the lower leaves must be differently shaped, nothing else made sense
the buds are looking a bit like daisy-like
It's now clearly erigeron. The early leaves at the base aren't even visible anymore and it has those distinctive small daisy-like flowers.
Euryops pectinatus, grey-leaved eurypos
the flowers have finished and the seeds are forming at this time of year (November)
Flowering Quince (Chaenomeles)
this is in bloom mid-December
I have these all over my garden as they self-seed like mad but they bloom early and die back so don't get in the way of other flowers which start later.
the leaves are pretty distinctive so easy to identify even before any flowers appear
Fremontodendron hybrid 'California Glory'
I saw this local to me in a neighbour's front garden.
Pink Gaura / White Gaura (Oenothera lindheimeri)
pink gaura which I saw in a planter at Stratford, east London, maybe this is a dwarf version
close-up of the buds
the white gaura, flower close-up
wider view of white gaura which I saw Sept 2018 on the roof garden, Nomura 1 Angel Lane, London Open House
I saw this in the new plantings on the new St Alphage Highwalk in the City of London, May 2018.
close-up of the flowers
seedlings (and 1 lupin seedling on the left)
think that's a forget-me-not to the left, then a foxglove seedling then small pots of foxglove seedlings with a taller seedling on the right which I'm not sure of
Grass-like plants from bird seed
an established plant from August 2013
some young plants (on the left) 3 from the garden centre (front right), lesser knapweed (back left) March 2014
see the globe thistle seedlings above compared with the centaurea montana
Greater Spearwort (Ranunculus lingua)
June 2018 I saw this in a village pond in a village I stopped at on the way back from the South Downs. I'll have to check exactly where.
I also have this in the Weed Guide but worth showing in this Plant Identification section as I absolutely love it and the bees love it and it blooms early before other plants. A wonderful flowering plant.
Hawthorn tree with pink flowers in bloom May 2018. This is a few blocks from me locally. (must go back now (Oct 2018) and see if there are berries)
close-up of those pink hawthorn flowers
I also saw this white-flowered hawthorn in May but I can't remember where so can't go back and look.
I'm not sure what hawthorn this is specifically. I saw it at RSPB Fowlmere, end of September 2018, the time when the berries are in abundance.
November must be the time of year for hebe to bloom as I've noticed a few covered with purple flowers
I don't know why I never took notice of hebes before but this year (2017) I'm seeing a lot of them. I guess when not so much is in bloom they stand out. Actually I think this one is the same as one above.
Goldencup St John's Wort (Hypericum patulum)
Common Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum)
close-up of the honeysuckle flowers
I'm fascinated (and annoyed) by plants that have differently shaped leaves on the same plant. It can make identification very difficult. This new shoot on the honeysuckle in my garden has some very different leaves on it.
a piece of the honeysuckle broke off, good chance to show it up close
Thank you to Jacqui who suggested this self-seeder was honeysuckle as well.
Nov 2015
April 2016 it has another stem and I repotted it. It is looking more honeysuckle-ish.
Common Hollyhock (Alcea rosea)
these are in the front garden next doors, which I look after, the hollyhocks are definitely the star
the leaves on this one are differently shaped, I'm not sure if that's a variation in common hollyhocks or if that's a different cultivar
I know these seedlings so well. Until those textured leaves appear the first leaves can be mistaken for different things, esp annual mercury.
below are some hollyhock seedlings from seed I collected - a better, if less controlled, result is from the hollyhocks self-seeding themselves
it was taking so long I threw in some free tomato seeds I got from Heinz so the other seedlings are tomatoes, far left verbascum thapsus which self-seeded and the very small symmetrical seedlings (also self-seeded) on the top row look like snapdragons
this is in November after the flowers are spent and the leaves are changing colour
close-up of the spent flowers
close-up of the distinctive bark
Japanese anemone leaves, similar to wood avens although they are a completely different family and genus. Some find this plant invasive. Mine's in the shade so maybe that keeps it under control.
I saw this white Japanese anemone at Christ Church Gardens, Spitalfields (14-9-2017). It's what I think of as a "Frankenstein" plant; they appear to be put together from different plants. There's a mallow there amongst the Japanese anemone. If you don't realise there are 2 plants growing together it can be confusing, especially if you're trying to identify something.
this is an under-appreciated plant in my front garden, it's tough and has exquisitely scented flowers on and off over a long period, I took this photo in October 2018
This is in the garden next door, in flower May 2017. Thanks to Debbie (on FB) who identified this.
Jerusalem sage (Phlomis fruticosa)
another spread of Jerusalem sage with spent brown flower heads
Kangaroo Apple (Solanum laciniatum)
I first saw this December 2017 in St Andrew's Burial Ground (which has been turned into a park, some of the gravestones visible against the wall) off the Gray's Inn Rd, London.
a seedling in front of the trees make the leaves a lot clearer
I went back to see the berries better and if lucky, some flowers, only to find it's no longer there. At first I thought, maybe the hard winter killed it, but on closer examination of the photo, a sawn stump. Although maybe they had to cut it down as it was dead.
There are lots of seedlings, including that large one that was there last year.
this was in my unknown plants section but I popped into that walled car park yesterday (4-5-2018) and saw it was in bloom and with a bit of help from google I think this is kowhai
the previous September without any flowers, close-up of the leaves
and wider view of the kowhai tree (the red "berries" are rose hips from an unrelated rose growing through the tree)
close-up of one of the racemes of flowers
very distinctive leaves making id easy, or at least once the set of leaves after the seed leaves appear
I don't know exactly what happened to the middle seedling on the top row below, looks like the leaves were bitten off, assume by a pigeon but no other damage evident
Lycium barbarum (goji berry/wolfberry/Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree)
Reader Kate shared these photos of a shrub she is finding invasive. Thanks to the RHS forum for suggesting the goji berry id. It is known under various other names as well.
Mahonia (probably hybrid Media)
this has flowers in late winter
The mahonia (on the right next to the half-barrel) was here when I moved in so I don't know what variety but always yellow wonderfully scented flowers in the winter.
Viewed from the other side, bottom left is a small self-seeded mahonia. I've not seen one self-seeding - didn't know they spread like that. The large mahonia is just beyond the evergreen.
close-up of that shrub
Mahonia Eurybracteata (Mahonia Eurybracteata)
I saw this local to me. Until it had flowers, which I only noticed today (25-10-2018), I didn't realise it was a mahonia.
Mexican Orange Blossom (Choisya x dewitteana)
I love thistles, especially milk thistle with those great flowers.
1. I gathered seeds from this seedhead
2. excellent germination
3. these two self-seeded, those small true leaves on the right seedling are the first indication of what plant it is
a close-up of that seedling a few days later
4. the full-grown plants with those great flowers which bees love
another type of mint in the bottom pot (nepeta top pot and pot to the right)
a month later, a type of mint with that distinctive smell
1. middle of August
2. couple weeks later, partly eaten by something
3. looks like bindweed or morning glory, I did have morning glory in that position a couple years ago, maybe it self-seeded
4. definitely morning glory
Common Myrtle (Myrtle communis)
I saw this in October 2017 in the new plantings at Coal Drops Yard at King's Cross. I guess it could be Chilean myrtle (Luma apiculata) but not knowing exactly what they planted, I can't say for sure.
Thank you to the RHS forum who helped me identify this as nemesia, a garden flower which I've never grown so wasn't that familiar with it. I saw this in central London (Sept 2016) growing in a crack between paving stones and was quite curious. I thought it must be a weed to grow and survive in those conditions but turns out is a garden escapee.
the usual nepeta (garden catmint) from the garden centre (Nepeta faassenii) has purple flowers and is sold as a garden plant but it's still attractive to cats - my cats love it
close-up of the flowers
white nepeta cultivar
"catnip" (nepeta cataria) with white flowers which I grew from seed, some cats like it and some couldn't care less! just when I was trying to establish this Jeffrey went mad for it
close-up of the flowers
this is the purple-flowered nepeta after the flowers have wilted but wanted to focus on the leaves (on the right some lesser knapweed flowers), also see the nepeta photos above under Mint
this pot has nepeta in the middle but masses of willowherb seedlings, one with a pink flower bud on the right
another nepeta sprout
this nepeta self-seeded in a pot
distinctive feathery leaves
nigella seedlings
then those distinctive leaves appear
Oenothera (also see evening primrose on the Weed page)
this self-seeded, I thought it was verbena bonariensis as the leaves looked like it to me but suddenly this flower appeared, later identified as oenothera, just from that one plant I have masses of oenothera plants self-seeding, it's taking over from snapdragons and nigella as the most prolific self-seeder
this photo was taken end of August 2014
this photo was taken November 2015, another oenothera self-seeding with snapdragons and nigella in the cyclamen coum pots
I found one of my pots completely full of oenothera and wanted to dispose of them today and found the roots incredibly strong and dense. These self-seeding plants are turning out to be incredibly invasive.
the oenothera continues to self-seed (August 2016), tolerable as an unexpected flower
close-up of the oleander flowers
view of this large example down by the canal
Orchid Rockrose (Cistus × purpureus)
close-up of the flower
I saw this along Regents Canal middle of May 2017.
Flax from bird seed??
This is looking like flax but I'm not sure and if it is flax, not sure which one specifically. It appears to be self-seeding under the bird feeder from bird seed. These buds are from beginning of November.
this is a flower from June, different from the pale flax I saw along the canal earlier this year (2017)
mid-August this self-seeded between the paving slabs on the patio next door, my neighbour on the other side has one, cutting of which is shown below
end of August and it now has more passionflower-like leaves
still growing between the paving slabs
flowers, buds, fruits
Peanut, not really a weed but it has appeared in my garden unexpectedly, since I started putting them out for the squirrels.
confusingly this used to be called "geranium", now officially "pelargonium"
Cape Figwort/Fuschia (Phygelius capensis)
I saw this in October, after the flowers were past their best, must look at them next spring/summer.
in February
in March in bloom
Potato, not really a weed but it has appeared in my garden unexpectedly, next to the compost pile.
potato flower
potatoes on the compost pile have gone mad
Potato Vine or Climber / Jasmine Nightshade
flower close-up
flower close-up
wider view of the potato vine
I have a pyracantha in my back garden but hardly any berries, I guess because I keep pruning it (and the flowers/ flower buds). The thorns are fierce. These pyracantha are round the corner from me. Oct 2018
Ranunculus come as those claw-like tubers/corms (will check the exact term) which you can just see slightly above the soil - not that they should be visible but those have just ended up that way, I planted some last year or the year before but they were a total failure and they did not grow - maybe I planted them too deep? I don't know. I had spectacular results with them a few years ago. I don't know what I did differently. will find a pic
Red-flowering Currant (Ribes sanguineum)
there are a few of these in the park across the road (Camden Gardens)
close-up of the flowers
Red Bistort (Persicaria amplexicaulis)
close-up of one of the flowers
This is in my front garden and I have been assuming this is rosa rugosa but I am going to note the hips (which I understand are distinctive) this year to confirm. And also smell it. Maybe it's rosa rubiginosa? It's funny I can't remember know what hips it has.
I'm afraid I don't know which one specfically
close-up of a rudbeckia bud
Russian Vine (Fallopia aubertii)
This trailing shrub is growing over the wall near the bus stop round the corner from me. I'm afraid I'm a little late photographing it as the flowers have mostly turned into seed pods. Thanks to Michael (on FB) who identified this.
viewed from the other side it can be seen how extensive it is
an even wider view 11-9-2017
It was difficult getting decent close-up pics in that situation so I had to take some flowers off and bring them home to photograph.
flowers with 3 inner white petals and 3 outer petals with green stripes, 8 stamens (some anthers have broken off)
all the anthers on the left flower have broken off, the green seed is forming in the middle
3-sided seed pods.
I saw this in east London 17-6-2018 in a front garden. I wasn't too sure of this id but I think it is sage, larger than we usually see and in flower.
close-up of the sage flowers
a beautiful flower, shame about the scaffolding (Whitechapel 14-9-2017)
I saw this in Regent's Park mid-November 2018
to be updated
I now have another unknown seedling which I'm wondering is another ivy leaved geranium, I will have to pot it up and see
this photo was taken end of Sept, the previous one below was taken in March
at one point this was in the weed guide as an unknown weed but as it's developed it's clearly a scented leaf geranium, which I did have at one point in the garden but it died, I didn't know they self-seeded but they must do as it's clearly here in one of my pots!
this was in July when the sea holly was in bloom, these were plants I purchased as I had difficulty both growing from seed and buying small plants from the garden centre but I did collect seed from these and managed to have sea holly flowers the following year, I've also had trouble with slugs which seem to adore sea holly
grown from the collected seed
some of my less successful attempts:
end of October small plant from last year, never flowered, not sure what the secret is to getting them to flower
in another pot, this is a small plant from this year which did not flower, shown in situ in the next pic
Oct 2015 the pot below has 3 sea holly plants, two flowered (the ones with the tall flower stems), one has not
April 2016 that pot above with the 2 sea holly that look like they will bloom again this year, wondering what will happen with the one at the bottom
Agave-leaved Sea Holly (Eryngium agavifolium)
saw this in October 2018, must go see it in the spring / summer next year
agave-leaved sea holly small plants
Silverbush (Convolvulus cneorum)
thank you to Mike (FB) who ID'd this
Skullcap (Scutellaria galericulata)
I had this in the weed gallery but didn't know what it was. I saw it again this week along the canal so decided to try again to research what it was and I think it is skullcap.
I took this pic in 2015.
I took this pic today (20-5-2017). I hope it will have more flowers soon and I'll be able to get a close-up of the flowers in focus.
this is in a neighbour's garden
Snapdragon (I use that common name for antirrhinum)
I planted one packet of seeds a few years ago and now have them self-seeding everywhere, every pot I have seems to have snapdragon and nigella
these snapdragons look a little different, not sure why, I have lots in pots but not many actually in the ground and these have lasted the winter there
a snapdragon has self-seeded itself on the path, oxalis around it, blue flowers are green alkanet
Common Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus)
snowberry flowers
snowberry berries (I took this photo back in 2014 - not very good. I'll take new photos of the berries this year (2018)
snowberry shoots
a spreading snowberry root
Pink Snowberry (Symphoricarpos microphyllus)
similar to the white snowberry but the berries are pink instead of white
Japanese Meadowsweet or Spirea / Korean Spirea (Spirea japonica)
close-up of the flowers
South African Thistle (Berkheya purpurea)
Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo)
December, I saw this round the corner in a neighbour's front garden. I don't recall the flowers. Compared to those bright red fruits sure they were not very noticeable. I'll have to look out for them in the spring and take a photo.
close-up of a fruit
Oct 2018, strawberry tree flowers
toad lily buds
toad lily on the left, morning glory on the right
toad lily on the left, morning glory on the right
new shoots of toad lily, March 2019
Tree Germander (Teucrium fruticans)
I saw this in the garden of a church near me. Amazing purple flowers in January 2019.
Tree Mallow (Malva arborea or Lavatera arborea)
I saw this in January 2018. I didn't get back to see it in bloom but I must do that next year.
Great mullein (Verbascum thapsis) is in the Weed Guide but, of course, there are lots of other varieties of verbascum people grow in their gardens for the flowers. I had some seeds in a special offer mixed packet of perennials a few years ago. I didn't know this plant so for a while it was in my "unknown" category. Eventually it grew extremely tall (one of the tallest plants I've had in the garden) and produced white flowers. I see now why I didn't put this pic on my site - an awkward size pic of an awkward plant.
close-up of the flowers, they were all along the upper part of the stem
I think this recent (6-2016) seedling might be from that plant.
The next year (2017) I continue to have seedlings although I haven't had verbascum flowers for 2 years, they do look quite similar to polyanthus but when they shoot up from the middle it's clear they are verbascum. I have planted them in the garden next door and will take a photo.
self-seeds easily, smallest seedling:
taller seedling in the middle surrounded by violas and foxglove on the right
verbena bonariensis has square stems
This grows quite tall and thin so difficult to show the entire plant with the flowers
flower close-up:
This is growing in my neighbour's garden and bit over the fence. It flowers on and off all year, this was in August.
Periwinkle / Vinca (Vinca major)
I have two distinct types of vinca in my front garden. This one has larger flowers and leaves.
this one has smaller flowers and leaves
between them they cover this shady flowerbed
I saw a white-flowered vinca yesterday (16-4-2018)
this is the earliest viola seedling, a pair of leaves after the seed leaves
close-up of a seedling from another sowing
Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
November, when virginia creeper comes into its own, changing colour and producing berries
another virginia creeper in September before the autumn colour change
close-up of the weigela flowers
Welsh Poppy (Meconopsis cambrica)
This is in a neighbour's front garden a few doors down.
Wild Basil (Clinopodium vulgare)
Pink flowers in a ring around the stem, also shown in the background of one of the sea holly pics. I had a lot of difficulty finding out what this was but while looking through my wildflower book last night (9-10-2016) looking for something else I saw this and immediately saw a match, surprising as some of the drawings in that book are not in enough detail. I previously thought this was a phlomis. I saw Turkish Sage (also a phlomis but with yellow flowers) on Gardeners World (8-7-2016) and those flowers around a stem looked so unique I thought it must be a phlomis, tuberosa was the closest I could find but after seeing this in the wildflower book and the distinctive way the leaves flow down from the flowers I knew it was wild basil.
Wood Spurge (Euphorbia amygdaloides)
I've seen this many times but I didn't know what it was - and I don't like not knowing what a plant is. I've waited all autumn and winter for it to bloom and it's now identifiable.
wood spurge starts as a rosette of leaves then a shoot rises from the centre and these buds grow (I do have a pic of the initial rosette but I need to find it)
do get in touch if you recognise any of these, thanks
julie at gardenwithoutdoors.org.uk or https://www.facebook.com/gardenwithoutdoors/
mayweed? This suddenly appeared around the corner.
5 weeks later, buds have appeared
view of the entire plant
someone pulled this up before I saw flowers
3. end of April 2018
10-6-2018 I think I planted some monarda in the pot with that unknown seedling and when I was photographing that monarda this morning I saw this plant that's obviously not the same as the monarda - after I uploaded it to my pc. Not identifiable at all.
7. Unknown White-Flowered Shrub
This is in bloom in February. No scent that I can smell.
July 2018
9. I don't think this seedling is polyanthus or verbascum but it's the closest I can say right now. Will see how it develops.
some questions I'm investigating
What are the differences between lesser and greater burdock, aside from size?
What are the differences between hogweed and giant hogweed, aside from size?
What exactly does scabious and scabiosa mean? why are some plants called scabious and some scabiosa?
to add: epimedium, spearwort, viburnm x 2