
We all have obstacles: whether physical problems or lack of time or lack of money or lack of space or lack of sun but I hope we can all enjoy growing something, even 1 pot from seed.

I'm gardening on a budget so mostly growing from seed or enjoying what self-seeds. My background is IT and I like things precise and organized so I am trying to learn what every plant I see is so I can document them.

In the winter I love forcing bulbs indoors, see www.gardenwithindoors.org.uk and www.hyacinthvases.org.uk.

I love cats and have five, Polly Pocket, Socks, Scarecrow, Victor and Rocky. More about my cats and the other cats that visit the garden are at the Neighbourhood Cats page.




cat with forced hyacinths


and I have some other animal friends in the garden as well

You can contact me: julie at gardenwithoutdoors.org.uk.

you can also share at https://www.facebook.com/gardenwithoutdoors/