a hole in my new fence panel allows the foxes to come and go


nasturtium (to the right in the photo above)

I need to learn more about how to identify Oxford ragwort / common ragwort / groundsel especially before there are flowers, I saw two examples recently

autumn hawkbit, a lone plant in a situation which makes is easy to photograph and identify, I've been able to observe it the last few years

side view of the flower showing the shape of the flowerhead - smooth slope from the stem rather than a cup shape

a magnificent wall lettuce around the corner, behind railings so a bit difficult for a full view

another wall lettuce down the road

a wall lettuce small plant I saw yesterday (7-11-2022), those leaves are so distinctive

common hogweed in my garden

some of the new buds on that hogweed plant, rather pink-tinged

hogweed seedheads

morning glory Heavenly Blue

that bud started wilting before opening properly, not sure why, lots of buds but not many flowers

funny patches of pink on the flowers from this plant, none on the other plant I have

self-seeded Grandpa Ott morning glory

evening primrose

calendula, they're doing well now after rain and milder temperatures

new buds on my small scabious

close-up of that new bud

purple toadflax plants, I had flowers earlier in the summer but the drought and heatwave seemed to kill them but I see some plants now, new shoots I guess? I hope to see flowers in the spring if not this autumn

an enormous dandelion I have in a pot, it has both the very large rosette leaves and the later smaller rosette, not sure if that's because of the crazy weather this year but I would have expected those large leaves to die off

in a local park, sun spurge in the rain yesterday (5-1-2022)

and some rosettes from yesterday
bristly oxtongue with spotted medick and a dandelion flower growing through it

hawkweed oxtongue

I'm thinking this might be Eastern rocket but I'm not sure, chickweed growing through it

and I'm thinking this might be nipplewort but not certain

and a nipplewort I am certain of

two rosettes the next day, hedge mustard

hoary mustard

near there, creeping thistle, I love the buds

and the next day, hairy bittercress

near there, cup and saucer vine (Cobea scandens Alba) in a front garden