some new growth after a few warmer days recently, it's gone back to bitter cold
muscari and tulips
tulip bulbs, so dry! I can't believe I have to start watering already but it's also bitter cold so don't want it to freeze
one of the most interesting things are these seedlings which I don't recognise, I await future deveopment!
some crocus buds
I have a lot of violets self-seeding, nothing significantly different about these, I think the colour-difference is just because one was in the sun more
forget-me-nots, some years I have more than others, this year I don't think I have so many
I noticed a forget-me-not with some longer leaves, I don't know if I've seen those before or not
the grey-green leaves above are Centaurea montana - I think. I have one I'd grown from seed last year. It hadn't bloomed. Now I see a number of small plants but they couldn't have self-seeded as there were no flowers to produce seed. Do they spread via roots?
I'm still watching these larger-leaved spreading small plants. Are they sheepsbit? which are the thinner-leaved plants on the right. Will they have thinner leaves as they develop?
a few small rosettes / seedlings, left to right, plantain, wood avens, red campion, teasel
not sure what the seedling is on the left, I suspect on the right is green alkanet
speaking of green alkanet, I try not to have green alkanet in my pots as I have it all over my garden but sometimes it gets away from me - that pot at the back in the middle is green alkanet - a large one! at this point, I'll let it bloom this spring and plant it out when it's finished
I bought these plug plants from British Wild Flower Plants. I'm not very impressed but awaiting spring to see if they improve.