May 2024

I live for moments like this, a bee on my melancholy thistle

melancholy thistle

a few days later

melancholy thistle

bee on the houndstongue (upper right)


closer view of the bee

houndstongue bee

houndstongue water figwort

I also saw a bee on this aquilegia but didn't have time to snap a photo.

It can take a long time for seed-grown plants to bloom but this is my longest. I sowed Centaurea montana seeds in 2021. I only had 1 seed germinating. It was in the pot for the last 3 years and seemed to expand but never bloomed. I planted it in the ground recently and noticed a bud yesterday.

centaurea montana


centaurea montana

centaurea montana

the ladybirds seem to love the giant scabious





ladybird on red campion

my first scabious flower


it's been so hot, the cats have found cool places to stay

Erigeron karvinskianus

erigeron karvinskianus

water figwort buds

water figwort buds

water figwort buds

water figwort buds

Eastern rocket seen on a day back in Camden Town

Eastern rocket Sisymbrium orientale

Eastern rocket Sisymbrium orientale

Eastern rocket Sisymbrium orientale

Eastern rocket Sisymbrium orientale

Eastern rocket (Sisymbrium orientale)

Eastern rocket Sisymbrium orientale