teasel with the typical water filled cups along the stem
foxglove, so untypical in my experience, the drought and heatwave prevented it flowering properly last year, it's sprouted these small flowering stems (from what I can see) rather than the typical single stem from the centre
water figwort
giant scabious I grew from seed a couple years ago, still awaiting flowering and teasel which self-seeded
I have 2 pots of sheep's bit I grew from seed. I've had ups and downs with them. I had more than 2 pots before but I'm down to two and I'm not sure if they're all Jasione montana. I seem to have 2 types and I did buy some Jasione perennis Blue Light seeds when I couldn't find montana and haven't seen flowers from perennis yet so maybe some are perennis.
** later ** I have been so upset by slug damage to these plants. Have lost many buds. I see there's a slug in the pot I hadn't noticed when I took the photo - must be more observant!
some leaves seem to be smooth and shiny, this bud is surrounded by the smoother shinier leaves (Jaione perennis Blue Light?)
this bud is surrounded by the furrier hairier leaves (Jasione montana?)
I have these "garden in a pot"s. All self-seeded without any intervention. I now want to separate them and give some plants more room. this pot has a large globe thistle.
and a foxglove, verbascum, snapdragon and a wall lettuce, probably others
better view of the wall lettuce on the other side
another "garden in a pot": tulip (spent), poppies, selfheal, great hairy willowherb
one with foxgloves, snapdragon and plantain