Socks with my snapped off tulips - I don't know if it was the wind, birds or even foxes
Yesterday I noticed the first ajuga in flower this year
muscari and tulips (Princess Irene, I think)
Little Princess tulips with the muscari and tulips in the background
Verbascum blattaria, moth mullein makes a fab rosette the first year, this has overwintered as a rosette and should bloom this year.
honesty leaves
a very small seedling I noticed yesterday, think it's a speedwell
bud on the sheepsbit above
this pot which started off as sheepsbit, has lots of self-seeders, I don't even know if any sheepsbit is left in that pot
A catsear I saw in a pavement crack with buds at the end of the flowering stems.
Two autumn hawkbit nearby. I only know it's autumn hawkbit as I've observed the flowers in previous years. Otherwise I find smooth hawk's-beard (Crepis capillaris) and autumn hawkbit (Scorzoneroides autumnalis) difficult to differentiate until I can look at the flowers.
I grew this centaurea from seed but I lost track of what it is exactly. Despite some slug damage, the 3 pots of it have survived the winter. I hope they bloom this summer and become identifiable. I see I have a number of self-seeders in the pots: green alkanet (of course), foxglove, poppy, teasel, great hairy willowherb). I'm going to try to carefully remove them, saving some where feasible.