On a very cold day yesterday, I was able to observe some plants in and around a local car park.
Crepis vesicaria possibly to the left, bristly oxtongue to the right
another Crepis vesicaria possibly
hoary mustard (Hirschfeldia incana)
wintercress possibly, I don't see this very often so I don't know it very well
ragwort seedling rosette, catsear to the left, tiny common whitlowgrass seedlings around, forget-me-not seedlings, some tiny hairy bittercress seedlings
common whitlowgrass
Geranium lucidum
stone parsley
creeping potentilla
bristly oxtongue
another bristly oxtongue
Crepis capillaris or autumn hawkbit
a couple I wasn't sure about
maybe evening primrose?
dandelion maybe?