June 2024

13-6-2024  I bought this pot from ebay and this lamb's ear was in it. I just left it knowing they were resilient and the bees like them.

lamb's ear stachy byzantina

close-up of the first flower

lamb's ear stachys byzantina

also bought from ebay, these two pots into which I put my seed-grown nasturtium, it's been so cold, surprised to see buds yesterday

nasturtium buds

the water figwort's been blooming happily

water figwort

what happens in my garden: trying to grow from seed, self-seeders I love such as poppies, overly enthusiastic self-seeders such as selfheal which has filled up too many pots

9-6-2024 more Lauren's Grape poppy flowers open, views from both sides

laurens grape poppy

laurens grape poppy

as well as the Lauren's Grape poppies, I have common / field / red / corn poppies self-seeded, I also see some opium poppies there that had self-seeded in the pot I planted there but not sure which variety so awaiting flowering, some of my seedlings above and below the poppies, sawwort above, nepeta to the left

common corn red field poppy

more red poppies with Victor in the background

red common field corn poppy

latest geranium flowers, the previous owner of this garden obviously likes geraniums as there are lots in the garden

hardy geranium

hardy geranium

water figwort, I had some small-ish seedlings which I popped in the ground and surprised to see them blooming in a very short time

water figwort

ox-eye daisy, I had lots in my last garden but only 1 plant seems to have come with me to the new garden

ox-eye daisy

8-6-2024 scabious flowers looking great, bees have been visiting


First Lauren's Grape poppies in bloom from self-seeding, not sure when they self-seeded but some time last year. I did plant some seeds but the seedlings are miniscule. It's been so cold this spring, my seedlings (from seeds that actually germinated)  are so small I can't imagine I'm going to see any flowers from them this year.

laurens grape poppy

first flower (Petrorhagia saxifraga, I think, the flower varieties are not listed on the packaging) from the M+S Pollinator Flowers Bee Attracintg Selection pot

Petrorhagia saxifraga

petrorhagia saxifraga

M+S Pollinator Flowers Bee Attracting Selection

M+S Pollinator Flowers Bee Attracting Selection

M+S Cornflower Bee Attracting Mix

M+S cornflower bee attracting mix

latest speckled petunias

speckled petunias

speckled petunias

speckled petunia

this one is only half-speckled

speckled petunia

this one has no speckling but got into the speckled mix



bees are loving the giant scabious (Cephalaria gigantea)

giant scabious Cephalaria gigantea with bee

I am loving the speckled petunias - I don't often buy bedding plants but for these I made an exception

speckled petunia

speckled petunia

speckled petunia

speckled petunia

prickly sow thistle, lots in my new garden, yellow flowers are cheerful

prickly sow thistle

I've found various wild plants in my new garden

hawkweed oxtongue

hawkweed oxtongue

bristly oxtongue

bristly oxtongue

a few beaked hawk's-beard

crepis vesicaria beaked hawk's-beard

crepis vesicaria beaked hawk's-beard

crepis vesicaria beaked hawk's-beard

crepis vesicaria beaked hawk's-beard