end of June 2022

I squatted down to take a photo of my first greater knapweed flower of the year and a bee landed on it, right in front of me - amazing!

bee on greater knapweed

the Amazing Grey poppies are blooming, some colour variations - not really like the photos advertised but pleasant enough

Amazing Grey poppy

this was this pair of flowers in the morning, next photo below, later in the day when they were fully open

Amazing Grey poppies

later in the day when they were fully open

amazing grey poppy

I took this photo in the morning

poppies common Laurens Grape

by the afternoon the red poppies had dropped their petals and I think at least 1 more Lauren's Grape poppy opened

laurens grape poppy

first Little Dorrit sunflower in bloom

sunflower little dorrit

the monarda Cambridge Scarlet have buds

monarda Cambridge Scarlet

I worry whether I'm doing the right thing, leaving these sheepsbit seedlings to grow together rather than trying to separate them. I worry I would disturb them too much trying to separate them. They look happy enough so far. They won't bloom until next year so I'll just have to wait and see.

sheepsbit seedling