in my front garden, Atlantic poppy, first a hoverfly was on it, then a bee, then another hoverfly of the same one came back
also in my front garden are two magnificent teasels
my other teasel, artichokes and my black and white cow kitty enjoying the sun
sometimes the bees fly around too quickly for me to photograph them, the bee below was on the green alkanet flower but it moved before I captured it actually on the flower
lambs ear (Stachys byzantina)
mahonia, you can see why it's known as Oregon grapes
meadow cranesbill
water figwort in another garden nearby
this is an example of buds I find more attractive than the resulting flowers, potato tree (Solanum crispum)
back garden, bees on the sea holly
looks like the bee is on the scabious which is wilting but I guess there was enough left to interest the bee
iris foetidissima with bee
lupin (wow! it survived the slugs and snails)
I have lots of poppies. These large grey-green glaucous ones are opium poppies (Papaver somniferum). These are the result of self-seeding so they are more advanced than any of the others that I sowed seeds for myself. I guess I should have started my seed sowing earlier.
red common poppies on the left, 2 pots of poppies in the centre, 2 pots of poppies on the right
mixed pot of poppies