end of July 2021

Urban wild plants seem to go in waves, this year it's Chenopodiums: 

tree spinach (Chenopodium giganteum) which I've never seen before yesterday (29-7-2021)

tree spinach Chenopodium giganteum

nearby there were fat hens (Chenopodium album)

fat hen Chenopodicum album

fat hen chenopodium album

today (30-7-2021) I saw some more chenopodiums, a large fat hen

fat hen chenopodium album

fat hen chenopodium album

fat hen chenopodium

a common orache (Atriplex patula)

common orache Atriplex patula

one I saw a couple weeks ago

common orache Atriplex patula

a red goosefoot possibly? I'm not that familiar with this plant but this id has been suggested to me, I must go back and check it

red goosefoot

back in my garden, one of my girls

one of my girls

on the other side of the garden, one of my 3 wood pigeons

wood pigeon

Jersey tiger moth

jersey tiger moth

the Little Dorrit sunflowers I grew from seed this year have been a great success although the slugs have tried to eat them all



the heleniums I bought as small plants from Peter Nyssen


roses and purple loosestrife

roses purple loosestrife

on the side of Sainsbury's is a small patch with lots of self-seeding urban wild plants in the cracks, occasionally pulled out and weedkiller sprayed and then they grow back

closer view

smooth sow thistle

smooth sow thistle

marsh yellow-cress

marsh yellow-cress

marsh yellow-cress

marsh yellow-cress

marsh yellow-cress

marsh yellow-cress

fat hen

fat hen



smooth sow thistle nearby

smooth sow thistle

and a smooth sow thistle rosette nearby

smooth sow thistle