Camden Highline Concerns Along the Railway Line

I am very concerned about the Camden Highline and what it will do to the wildflowers and wildlife along the railway line here in Camden. If you're reading this before June 11th 2022, please object at the planning application, 2022/2019/P at the Camden website. I'm sorry but direct links to the application are difficult.

end of May 2022, railway line, lots of red valerian at this time of year

railway line wildflowers

railway line wildflowers

bird cherry

railway line wildflowers

lots of yellow melilot, both on the railway side of the railings

yellow melilot

and inside the railings

railway line wildflowers

the only place I've seen yellow melilot is along the railway line here and future along it at Camden Road station

yellow melilot

flowers and lots of buds

yellow melilot

yellow melilot

yellow melilot

hoary mustard grows very happily local to me, near the railway line

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

the fruits are appressed close along the stem, only 1 of two brassicas that are, the other being hedge mustard

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

there's a bee on this one

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

the basal rosette leaves are very distinctive and often persist

hoary mustard Hirschfeldia incana

hawkweed oxtongue

hawkweed oxtongue

hawkweed oxtongue

narrow-leaved ragwort, in bud

narrow-leaved ragwort

narrow-leaved ragwort