latest flowers end of June/beginning of July

Centaurea Montana

centaurea montana

Spear Thistle

spear thistle

Yesterday's pansy tea party, there's just a narrow rim of white around this yellow flower

pansy tea party

two of this colour bloomed yesterday

pansy tea party

pansy tea party

Nigella, I've had masses self-seeding, I love the purple centre of this flower


Pansy Tea Party, more colours keep blooming

pansy tea party

Allium sphaerocephalon

allium sphaerocephalon

comfrey with a bee, there are always bees buzzing around the comfrey plants

borage with bee

milk thistle

milk thistle

scabiosa barocca

I love pincushion flowers (see the field scabious below), I thought this hadn't survived the winter but found it growing recently and it got some buds, beautiful ones

scabiosa Barocca

latest pansy tea party, the first appearance of this colour

pansy tea party



scabiosa bud

scabiosa bud

the iris foetidissima have been amazing this year, the seed pods are numerous and heavy, in a few weeks they will split open to reveal bright orange seeds

iris foetidissima

I thought these rose thorns looked very interesting and as I had the camera in my hand I took a photo.

rose thorns

field scabious, how fantastic to have this self-seeding in the garden, it's as good as one bought from the garden centre or grown from seed, I love these pincushion flowers

lesser knapweed

field scabious

crocosima, hardy geranium and lots and lots of chinese lanterns in the foreground with small white flowers

crocosima, hardy geranium, chinese lanterns

that beautiful purple Pansy Tea Party with all the petals unfurled

pansy tea party

Tasty Pansy, that middle flower is the first appearance of that colour

tasty pansy

These are the results of cuttings taken on holiday on the south coast. The erigeron in bloom is easy to identify. The other 2 I'm not sure. The one on the bottom right is just different enough (tightly furled rosettes of leaves), I'm not sure if it is an erigeron.


today's Tasty Pansy and Pansy Tea Party blooms

Tasty Pansy

I think this is the first appearance of this colour.

Tasty Pansy

Pansy Tea Party

I love this colour. When that bottom petal unfurls this will be an exquisite flower.

pansy tea party

pansy tea party

The flower that has appeared from the red-stemmed hollyhock (pictured below) - beautiful. For me the darker the better for a hollyhock.

red hollyhock

crocosima, more thistles and thistle-like plants

crocosima just bloomed today (June 25th), probably helped by the hot sunny weather we've been having


crocosima buds

crocosima bud

self-seeded scabious (will research what kind) almost ready to burst into flower

creeping thistle

creeping thistle

spear thistle

spear thistle

struggling to get some of the agapanthus to bloom, buds in the top pot, none in the bottom one


Below, I've had these for years, planted from bulbs/corms/whatever they are called, in a pot (they say constricting them in pots is good for flower production), eventually I put them in the ground as I didn't want to waste a pot on them and the roots were outgrowing the pot but still no flowers after about 15 years.


Tasty Pansy and Pansy Tea Party

every day I'm seeing new Tasty Pansy flowers, in a variety of colours, this is the first of this colour combination

Tasty Pansy flower

today there was a new Pansy Tea Party flower

pansy tea party

next day, another new flower which is another new colour

Pansy Tea Party

thistles, zantedeschia and hollyhocks

I can't stop taking pics of my beautiful cats


Polly Pocket

I know I'm crazy (my gardening neighbour friend thinks so!) but I love thistles and thistle-like plants. This is a milk thistle. I've always thought it odd that slugs love plants like thistles. They adore this and it's only been through a liberal application of slug pellets I have anything left of the two I bought.

milk thistle

a self-seeded thistle in the front garden


another type of thistle that has self-seeded in the front garden - will research more about the types


thistle leaves to compare

thistle leaves

There are more flowers every day of the Tasty Pansy. Fabulous.

Tasty Pansy

Zantedeschia (Calla Lily)

loving this hot weather


2 differently leaved hollyhocks


hollyhock leaves to compare - will research types

hollyhock leaves

edible flowers

I don't often order plants as I prefer to grow from seed but when I saw the "tasty" collection (of edible flowers) from a well-known company, I immediately placed an order. This is the Tasty Pansy. I am very impressed with such fast flowers.

Tasty Pansy

Tasty Pansy

Tasty Pansy

Pansy Tea Party

not as vigorous as the Tasty Pansy and I think the slugs got to some

Pansy Tea Party

Sadly the Nasturtium Fruit Salad isn't doing very well. They arrived while I was away and didn't get planted straight-away  I hope they revive eventually.

nasurtium fruit salad

ignore the smooth sow thistle weed to the left!

nasturtium fruit salad

hollyhocks and acanthus

There are 2 self-seeded hollyhocks right by the front gate.


red hollyhock


A few days after the pic below, a couple more are in bloom plus the pink one on the left.


The salmon-pink hollyhocks bloomed yesterday (June 11th)

I finally got around to moving that cerinthe (pictured below a few days ago) that self-seeded so close to the house. It had no room there so the root did a right angle turn away from the wall and has been growing quite happily. Plants are so determined to grow no matter what.

cerinthe root

Red-Stemmed Hollyhocks

I never noticed before if some of the hollyhocks had red stems. This one certainly does. There's a ladybug on the leaf.

red-stemmed hollyhock

another white foxglove, to the left a chinese lantern and a poppy (the flower was orange), that holly in the background doesn't have berries - so what's the point of it!

white foxglove

Polly Pocket on the table in the back garden. You can just see a  purple delphinium I just bought, some snapdragons which have self-seeded, the centaurea montanas still in bloom.

Finally I have monkshood in my garden. After failed seeds a number of times, I bought a plant. It was called a "wildflower" so it was less expensive and quite small at first but it looks great now.


These Nasturtiums Fruit Salad appeared to be coming back from a really poor state with the tiniest, tiniest leaves coming out. I was devastated when the slugs ate some of these new tiny leaves therefore a generous use of slug pellets. I must take more photos as I think I'm now down to 1 plant.

nasturtium fruit salad

nasurtium fruit salad





I was very impressed with these acanthus in a nearby garden. I can only dream of such acanthus, compared to my one specimen bought last year at Havant Garden Centre.








always nice to get back to the cats

It's nice being away but also nice to get back to the cats.

The place where I stay on the south coast has a fantastic clump of erigeron.


These pink flowers are in the front garden. I don't know what they are.

I posted a pic of this last year as well. I still don't know what it is.

I don't know what this is either.

Back at home, I picked a sprig of that catnip which she played with and it's on the mat next to her.

more about front gardens


Even if we're on a main road (I'm on 4 London bus routes), we can have beautiful front gardens. The ceanothus is looking great right now. I have 4 and they all bloom at different times. I showed the foxgloves on the right (below), this one is on the left. On the doorstep is a nepeta which I bought as I don't seem to have much luck with seeds and wanted my cats to have access to cat nip if they want. There's another in the back garden.

The best addition to a garden ever: 2 cats.

cats in front garden

cats in front garden

I just can't get enough of these foxgloves. From what I saw of early Chelsea coverage yesterday, foxgloves feature strongly in the show gardens - a classic beautiful flower! I'm glad they're being appreciated.


I can just see an iris foetidissima next door in the photo above. I have some blooms in my garden.  I never noticed before but this morning (couple days later, 22-5) these are buzzing with bees, as are the foxgloves, aquilegia, comfrey and ceanothus but especially the green alkanet. They seem to love the sun being out.

iris foetidissima

iris foetidissima

Some of the buds before they bloomed.


It's interesting to see my garden from next door and the garden from next door. I never remember so many iris foetidissima in bloom since I planted them 2 or 3 years ago (will have to check the date). That ceanothus I think looks better from next door.  Those hollyhocks look ready to burst into bloom soon.

front garden

A cerinthe self-seeded right next to the wall, not the best place to grow. I'm going to try to move it.


A foxglove and lupin in the back garden.

foxglove and lupin

The magic time when the iris blooms. They don't last long but while they're in bloom they're beautiful.



Here are the iris in situ surrounded by aquilegia and green alkanet and a stachys on the right.

iris and aquilegia

The thyme is in flower.

thyme flower

The chives are in bloom. I love these flowers.

chive flowers

front gardens

I love foxgloves. I always have some in the garden, whether planted myself or self-seeded. I was so pleased to see these, in my garden, in the garden next door (planted by myself) and the garden after that from a plant I gave my neighbour there. I love that continuity.

foxgloves in London front gardens

My cat Polly Pocket loves laying in the sun in the front garden.


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