I like to identify the tiniest seedlings so I can keep the ones I want and weed out the ones I don't. This page is very much a work-in-progress, started July 2018 when for some reason I noticed a lot of tiny seedlings. End of June 2022 I noticed a lot of seedlings and those are towards the top of the table. I guess summer is a good time for self-seeders.
August / Sept 2024
purple loosestrife
rough hawkbit possibly
oxeye daisy
not sure on this one yet, 31-8-2024
10 days later, 10-9-2024
fox-and-cubs seedlings
couple weeks later
those seedlings above are the result of me sowing the collected fox-and-cubs seeds but the seedling on the right below has self-seeded in this pot so I'm only guessing it looks like fox-and-cubs, verbascum blattaria on the left
agasteche top centre? strawberry right, bottom centre fringecups?, hairy bittercress bottom right
houndstongue seedlings possibly on the left, henbane on the right? 21-8-2024
i think this is speedwell but will leave it to grow to confirm
red campion
nipplewort, I think
I have found that primulas self-seed alot and as I have a pot of them, I notice a few seedlings which I think are primulas but will confirm when I see them develop
first table July 2018