Plant of the century and mint

Plant of the Century?

These are the first and only flowers I've had on this Geranium Rozanne this year - not a very good performer. I don't think I had any flowers last year. I am not impressed. I'm mystified why it would win any award at all.

geranium rozanne



I haven't grown mint before so the purple flowers took me by surprise.









This was one of my unknown weeds but it looks like a pelargonium that self-seeded. I didn't know they self-seeded but it must have. I don't have one in my garden at the moment but I did have a few about 3 years ago. It must have been dormant for a while.


weeding on holiday

The garden of the flat I stayed in on the south coast for the last week in August was covered with weeds. Of course I couldn't resist weeding it and I have a few pics of unidentified weeds.

This erigeron used to be covered with pink flowers. Now it's covered with brambles.

erigeron covered with brambles

the thickest brambles I've ever seen

thick brambles

the erigeron after cutting the brambles

erigeron after cutting brambles

I'm not sure what this is, certainly a plant that self-seeds easily.

an unknown weed

another example of the same weed

another unknown weed

ribwort plantain (I've transferred this now to my weed guide)

The roots on these patio weeds can be incredibly long. It's how they survive

weed with very long root

The pellitory of the wall clumps were the largest I've ever seeen.

pellitory of the wall

I brought home some erigeron cuttings from a previous trip.

seaside plants

so many weeds in the average seed trays

I planted hollyhock seeds I collected in these seed trays but I see lots of seedlings that are not hollyhocks. The hollyhocks are the large-leaved seedlings. I'll see what the others grow into.


The tray below seems to have less weeds, maybe as I used new compost which hasn't been in the garden receiving lots of weed seeds being blown in.


I have loads of green tomatoes but no sign of them turning red.

green tomatoes

The Wonder of Weeds

I've seen this before but when I noticed it on iplayer today I thought I'd watch it again. Provides some food for thought.  For example, stachys macrantha which isn't in my weed guide as I didn't know it was a "weed", but as it self-seeded I guess it makes sense:

stachys macrantha

The agastache anisata's flowers are continuing to grow taller. The unknown weed in that pot (on the right) still has not bloomed; so far looking like a willowherb. I'm finding it difficult to be patient waiting for it but I'm determined to figure out what it is once and for all. I'd have more weed flower pics in my weed guide if I wasn't was desperate to pull the weeds out and not give them a chance to flower and spread.

agastache anisata

The cold, cold spring meant my sunflowers (and other seeds) got a very slow start. This is one of my few sunflowers in bloom.


Some very handmade terracotta pots  - so much more character than black plastic.

handmade terracotta pots

My first lupin is looking good and attracting bees (although I didn't manage to capture a pic of any)





Echinops, lurking in the background.











I was surprised to see a flower on one of the lupins I planted this year. I thought they generally did not bloom until the second year.  I don't know that it's going to fully bloom but it sure is trying.


Scabiosa Barocca

This plant is really amazing - 4 different stages of development for the flowers on the plant.

These agastache anisata are finally bloomining.

agastache anisata

terracotta pots, updates to the New Garden page, new Nigella page, updates to Weed Guide

The nigella have really blossomed - and not just white as initially but lots of blues now as well which I love.  I decided to create a separate gallery of the photos my husband took of them at Nigella Flowers.

I try to mostly grow from seed so don't buy many flowers at the garden centre but when I saw this scabiosa Barocca at the garden centre yesterday I couldn't resist. Those tightly packed buds look so ripe and ready to burst and such a rich colour and I know bees love them (or did when I grew some before, have not tried this variety before).

scaffolding next door is down!
I finally started planting next door and have updated the New Garden page.

Yes, this is lesser knapweed (previously an unknown plant as I'd forgotten what it was!), more obvious now that it's in bloom.

Terracotta pots

As I wrote about repairing the terracotta pots with contact adhesive back in May - it just doesn't work. After week's of being out in wet weather this one has fallen apart. I have discarded most of the others before they collapsed.

pansies and violas

viola floral powers

I still find these beautiful viola Floral Powers popping up unexpectedly - one of my better results with seeds. I first planted these two years ago. I see they are described as perennial and although I have them self-seeding I wouldn't call them perennial.

I love pansies (and violas) and find them not too difficult to grow from seed BUT the colours all seem to be the same - all I seem to get are reddish and yellow. Last year I had the same and these are from packets of mixed colour "Swiss Giants". Most of my nigella flowers are boring white (pic to follow) so I'm beginning to think the seed suppliers are filling out the mixtures with the most boring colours. I'm going to try some single colour selections of pansies next time.


Some things do seem very difficult to grow from seed so I'm grateful for the odd easy packet of seeds such as these marigolds that came free with my seed order. It's reassuring I can grow *something* from seed. As usual with just about every pot in my garden, something has self-seeded itself in it, in this case aquilegia.

ox-eye daisies

I often hear gardening advice that one should cut back fading flowers to encourage a new flush of growth but I rarely get around to it. This time I did and it worked beautifully. These daisies were completely wilted and I cut them back and a week or so later I was rewarded with the new crop of flowers.

ox-eye daisy


Hollyhocks are one of those plants that are so reliable and resilient like hyacinths. This one has survived the building site.


This one has survived being on the edge of the building site.

This one self-seeded in the "weed garden" next door.



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