honeyweed / Siberian motherwort (Leonurus sibiricus)

The honeyweed has been a great success this year. I've not grown it before but I've had lots of flowers the first year and the bees are loving it.

honeyweed Siberian motherwort Leonurus sibiricus bees

another view of those bees

honeyweed Siberian motherwort Leonurus sibiricus bees

Leonurus sibiricus honeyweed Siberian motherwort

honeyweed Siberian motherwort Leonurus sibiricus

teasel vs bristly oxtongue

I've had teasels in my garden for years but have only had bristly oxtongue (although seen many out and about) since I moved late last year so I now have the 2 next to each other and thought it would be interesting to compare the leaves. Bristly oxtongue (Helminthotheca echioides) left, teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) right.

teasel bristly oxtongue

closer view of the leaves

teasel bristly oxtongue

bristly oxtongue

bristly oxtongue



closer view of those teasel prickles

teasel bristly oxtongue leaves

teasel leaf

teasels that have self-seeded around the houndstongue (now spent after blooming earlier in the summer)


bristly oxtongue closer views

bristly oxtongue leaf

bristly oxtongue

August 2024

27-8-2024 a cat has discovered the catnip (Nepeta cataria) plants

cat with catnip nepeta cataria

cat with nepeta cataria catnip

cat nepeta cataria catnip

cat nepeta cataria catnip

verbena hastata White Spires self-seeded in a patio crack, with a bee

verbena hastata white spires bee

bee on verbena bonariensis

verbena bonariensis bee

the fox-and-cubs flowering stem grew very long and broke, I think it's too much in the shade and was trying to reach some sun, if I can pot up some of the runners I'll plant them in a sunnier part of the garden


new buds appeared

fox-and-cubs buds

flowers by my front door, grown from seed: cosmos, nasturtiums and morning glory

the bees have been liking the selection

cosmos with bee

23-8-2024 bee on blessed thistle (Centaurea benedicta) which is amongst the honeyweed / Siberian motherwort (Leonurus sibiricus)

blessed thistle with bee

I wanted the morning glory to climb up the railings but one shoot decided to go up the cosmos - actually looks ok doing that

20-8-2024 the cosmos is looking good, producing flowers


Livingstone daisy

livingstone daisy

livingstone daisy

20-8-2024 dandelions (Taraxacum) and beaked hawk's-beards (Crepis vesicaria)

I'm numbering them so I can track their development and see if they're really dandelions or beaked hawk's-beards. I examined them all today (28-8-2024) for hairiness. I am assuming the dandelions are hairless and the Crepis hairy.  I was surprised, some I thought were dandelions I now think are Crepis veiscaria.

1. Crepis vesicaria  hairy

closer view of this one


full view


2. Crepis vesicaria  hairy


3. dandelion  no hairs


4. Crepis vesicaria  hairy


5. dandelion  no hairs


6. Crepis vesicaria  hairy


7. Crepis vesicaria  hairy



8. dandelion  no hairs


9. Crepis vesicaria  hairy


25-8-2024 I moved that seed tray out of the way and gave the plant room to feel a bit more comfortable

crepis vesicaria rosette

10. dandelion  no hairs


11. dandelion  no hairs


12. dandelion  no hairs


13. dandelion  no hairs


14. Crepis vesicaria  hairy

crepis vesicaria

15. Crepis vesicaria  hairy

crepis vesicaria

16. Crepis vesicaria  hairy

crepis vesicaria

17. Crepis vesicaria  hairy

crepis vesicaria

18. Crepis vesicaria  hairy

crepis vesicaria

19. Crepis vesicaria  hairy

crepis vesicaria

20. dandelion  no hairs


21. Crepis vesicaria  hairy


22. Crepis vesicaria  hairy

crepis vesicaria


21-8-2024 sunflowers a few days later


sunflower with bees


sunflower bud

and the next day when that opened


another flower opened



18-8-2024 I tried growing sunflowers from seed but they did not do very well and were eaten by slugs. I shared my few survivors. So thank goodness sunflowers self-seeded from bird seed have performed very well. One is taller than the bird feeder.


sunflower bud


15-8-2024 nettle-leaved bellflower I noticed in a neighbour's driveway

nettle-leaved bellflower Campanula trachelium

I had first noticed it back in May but I didn't realise what it was

nettle-leaved bellflower Campanula trachelium

viola Chicky Chick flowers

chicky chick viola

viola chicky chick



that first viola Chicky Chick flower in situ in the bowl of violas


I'm finding it difficult to photograph stone parsley (Sison amomum)

stone parsley sison amomum

the stems are thin and the flowers are small, here amongst Shasta daisies

stone parsley sison amomum


Livingstone daisies at the base of the cosmos.

livingstone daisy

That one flower is the most amazing peach/pink but my camera just could not capture it.

livingstone daisy

Henbane has been a star performer - lots of flowers and now I see seeds forming so will collect to sow for next year BUT it is tiny compared to what I was expecting. Some sort of annual species.




Violas - one of my favourite flowers, probably one of the first I remember as a child and I still love it even though I can now grow weird and wonderful things such as henbane (awaiting flowering of the deadly nightshade and germination of the mandrake and datura seeds).


12-8-2024 I sowed 1 packet of cosmos seeds. It seems to me the flowers in the first 2 photos are different cultivars? but I'm no expert on cosmos.



Hoverfly on the first flower.



Livingstone daisies had found their way into the pot, first yellow flower.

livingstone daisy


My amaryllis from a previous Christmas then put in the garden, has come to life and produced huge beautiful flowers unexpectedly.


view from the other side, I notice the flowering stem did not rise from the middle of the leaves as I would have expected but from the side of the bulb


verbena hastata self-seeded on the patio (I don't know how, I didn't have seeds but plug plants), photobombed by a cat, of course, in this case, Victor

verbena hastata

the cornflowers are an exquisite blue (not sure it's coming through in my photos), blessed thistle to the left


sea holly above


lesser hawkbit - first I've seen it or is it just that I got down and looked at it carefully

lesser hawkbit Leontodon saxatilis

as it was so much smaller than other yellow flowers there, such as this autumn hawkbit

autumn hawkbit scorzoneroides autumnalis

like rough hawkbit, the buds face down

lesser hawkbit Leontodon saxatilis

colour underside of the petals

lesser hawkbit Leontodon saxatilis

this magnificent beast is growing at the front of my house

horseweed erigeron candensis

lots of buds

horseweed buds erigeron canadensis

flower buds just opening

horseweed flowers


globe thistle with a bee, small teasel in the background

globe thistle bee small teasel

purple loosestrife

purple loosestrife

saw-wort with bee

saw-wort with bee

summer savory

summer savory

close-up of the flowers

summer savory

rosettes, dandelion on the left? beaked hawk's-beard (Crepis vesicaria) on the right?

rosettes dandelion beaked hawksbeard

beaked hawk's-beard (Crepis vesicaria)?

crepis vesicaria


crepis vesicaria

crepis vesicaria

July 2024

hardy geraniums with bees

hardy geranium with bee

hardy geranium with bee

hardy geranium with bee

blessed thistle (Centaurea benedicta) that I grew from seed

blessed thistle Centaurea benedicta

blessed thistle Centaurea benedicta

hibiscus buds

hibiscus buds

ragwort with two kinds of bees

ragwort Jacobea vulgaris bees

henbane in flower, although it's very small, why are my plants so small this year, the very cold spring??

henbane Hyoscyamus niger

henbane Hyoscyamus niger

poppy in bud even so small

poppy seedlings

hibiscus, first time blooming in my new garden

hibiscus syriacus

and it was visited by a bee - what could be better!

hibiscus syriacus

new flowers on the Verbascum Arctic Summer

verbascum arctic summer

stems with that amazing "snow"

verbascum arctic summer

wall lettuce with all stages: buds, flowers, seedheads

wall lettuce lactuca muralis

wall lettuce lactuca muralis

tiny sunflower I found growing in a crack on my patio, I eased it out and potted it up (initially it looked very poorly but eventually perked up), still quite small but looks like it's actually going to bloom soon


Scarecrow behind the ragwort


Victor in the flowerbed


knautia macedonica with bee

knautia macedonica with bee

nepeta with bee

nepeta with bee

canterbury bells  (Campanula Medium Blue)

canterbury bells Medium Blue

Campanula persicifolia Blue

campanula persicifolia

with all the animals in the garden, sometimes plants get damaged, this phlox was broken off so I put it in a vase inside, I'll see if the bud opens


hawkweed oxtongue (Picris hieracioides)

hawkweed oxtongue Picris hieracioides

hawkweed oxtongue Picris hieracioides

hawkweed oxtongue Picris hieracioides

hawkweed oxtongue Picris hieracioides

this small pot has lots of seedlings, the easy ones are forget-me-not at the top, red wall lettuce in the middle

strawberry on the right

strawberry seedling

I don't know what this one is

below looks like a nepeta above a snapdragon but too early to be sure

I also don't know what this one is although it looks delphinium-ish

another pot with intriguing seedlings, was supposed to be Poppy Black Magic but there are 3 that look a lot like lupins, I don't have any lupin seeds and the only lupins I had in this new garden are 2 that were decimated by slugs before any seed pods were produced so maybe the seed packet had lupins by mistake?? primula at the top, poppy top right and a tiny poppy with a bud bottom right

closer view of those seedlings from the pot above

closer view still of the poppy with a bud, I'm curious to see what poppy this is

poppy seedling

autumn hawkbit rosette (Scorzoneroides autumnalis) and small-flowered crane's-bill (Geranium pusillum)

geranium pusillum

perennial sow-thistle (Sonchus arvensis)

perennial sow-thistle sonchus arvensis

perennial sow-thistle sonchus arvensis

perennial sow thistle sonchus arvensis

perennial sow thistle sonchus arvensis

perennial sow thistle sonchus arvensis

perennial sow thistle sonchus arvensis


small-flowered crane's-bill (Geranium pusillum)

geranium pusillum small-flowered crane's-bill

geranium pusillum small-flowered crane's-bill

geranium pusillum small-flowered crane's-bill

geranium pusillum small-flowered crane's-bill

geranium pusillum small-flowered crane's-bill

Agastache Black Adder

agastache Black Adder

agastache Black Adder

I'm still discovering new plants in the garden, golden creeping jenny, didn't know this at all before

golden creeping jenny Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'

golden creeping jenny Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'

golden creeping jenny Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'

clematis (montana?) I saw a vine I thought might be clematis but it has bloomed recently so become identifiable




evening primrose in bloom, didn't even realise I had it, must have been in a pot I brought

evening primrose

evening primrose

crocosima and hardy geranium in the background

crocosima geranium

these were some of the crocosima leaves back in March which I did not recognise as crocosima as mine were a bit different, I was skeptical they were crocosima but they did indeed turn out to be crocosima

Verbascum Arctic Summer had been damaged by mullein moth caterpillars but after I relocated them to the water figwort / buddleja new buds started to grow

verbascum arctic summer

this was the damaged stem to the right eaten by the caterpillars, 3 weeks before

verbascum arctic summer

saw-wort buds


first small teasel flower in bloom, the bees love this, I saw one this morning on it but couldn't snap a photo in time

small teasel Dipsacus pilosus

I was heading over to this side of the garden to take a photo, when I got close I discovered Scarecrow in the grass - I didn't realise he was there. He's well-camouflaged.

a poppy in bloom in the patio cracks garden


I snapped a photo of a bee on the nepeta but it's not very visible, my visiting white cat to the right

perennial wall rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia), possibly in a wildflower seed packet I sowed in that pot last year - or - it just self-seeded

perennial wall rocket Diplotaxis tenuifolia

the flower is at the far right side of the photo above at the end of a long stem, here is a close-up

Diplotaxis tenuifolia perennial wall rocket

autumn hawkbit (Scorzoneroides autumnalis)

at this time of year, the yellow-flowered self-seeders tend to be either smooth hawk's-beard or autumn hawkbit and only examination of the flowers from the side can be definitive, (below shows smooth hawk's-beard with the 2nd row of phyllaries), this is autumn hawkbit with the top of the stem  tapered into the flower

autumn hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis

Scorzoneroides autumnalis autumn hawkbit

the basal rosette of autumn hawkbit deeply lobed leaves, just one flower there, I'm finding locally it's just starting to bloom

autumn hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis

autumn hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis rosette

autumn hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis

closer view of the autumn hawkbit buds

autumn hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis

lots of rosettes about without stems with buds yet

autumn hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis

this spectacular rosette with lots of flowering stems has self-seeded in a neighbours driveway

autumn hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis


smooth hawk's-beard (Crepis capillaris)

I moved to my current house in December, 7 months ago, and of course, I immediately started looking at the plants and taking photos. This was self-seeded at the base of a brick trough along the side of the driveway.  I thought it looked very catsear-like but not the usual hairiness.

December 2023

crepis capillaris smooth hawksbeard

February 2024

crepis capillaris smooth hawksbeard

March 2024  as it was on my driveway it was easy to take regular photos

crepis capillaris smooth hawksbeard

June 2024 I see smooth hawk's-beard in bloom in that spot which I didn't immediately associate with that rosette which I had forgotten about being so busy in the back garden. Then I went back and looked at my photos and realised I had seen the earliest rosette of smooth hawk's-beard back in December.

crepis capillaris smooth hawk's-beard

crepis capillaris smooth hawk's-beard

a separate photo of the base as I'm struggling with my phone to take a decent photo of the entire plant

crepis capillaris smooth hawk's-beard

crepis capillaris smooth hawk's-beard

crepis capillaris smooth hawk's-beard

crepis capillaris smooth hawk's-beard

also seen near the autumn hawkbit,

goatsbeard (Tragopodon pratensis), close-up of the opening bud

goatsbeard Tragopodon pratensis

entire plant

Tragopodon pratensis goatsbeard

perennial sow-thistle (Sonchus arvensis) buds 

perennial sow-thistle Sonchus arvensis

back in my own garden

agastache Black Adder

agastache Black Adder

verbena hastata

verbena hastata



rose buds

rose buds

centaurea montana Amethyst

centaurea montana amethyst



hawkweed oxtongue, phlox on the left, Lauren's Grape poppy on the right

hawkweed oxtongue


some wildflowers I saw recently on a walk along the Grand Union Canal in Sarratt

the largest burdock leaves I've ever seen

burdock leaves

entire burdock plant


another nearby burdock plant


also time for extremely large common hogweed

common hogweed

common hogweed flowers

common hogweed

white melilot

white melilot

wild parsnip

wild parsnip

wild parsnip

wild parsnip leaves

wild parsnip

wild parsnip

wild parsnip

wild parsnip

wild parsnip

hemp-agrimony in bud




left to right smooth hawk's-beard (Crepis capillaris), dandelion, smooth hawk's-beard (Crepis capillaris), gypsywort

crepis capillaris dandelion gypsywort

closer views

two stems of Crepis capillaris and dandelion on right

crepis capillaris smooth hawk's-beard dandelion



thistle (not sure species, will research)


a lock along the Grand Union Canal

lock grand union canal

lock Grand Union Canal

on the opposite side of the towpath, lots and lots of goat's-rue




it was on  the other side of a fence so although I was keen to get into that area to look at the wilflowers, it was not possible



a nearby central reservation had a lot of white flowers

white melilot central reservation

white melilot central reservation

I wasn't sure what they were as it was difficult to go too close but I saw this white melilot on the close side of the road so I think it's that. If I can, I'll go back and try to get close.

white melilot

end of June 2024

Agastache Black Adder

agastache black adder



I planted out the giant knapweed (Centaurea macrocephala) seedlings but they aren't looking great so concerned maybe I did it too soon

I found two others amongst the safflower seedlings so repotted them. I will keep them until they're a lot larger and stronger.

giant knapweed centaurea macrocephala

I also planted out the safflower seedlings - with two cats

safflower seedlings Carthamus tinctorius

it's very difficult to plant into the lawn of my new garden, where the seed tray was the grass was dying so easier to dig into so I planted those (above) but found another pot and couldn't get into the ground next to those but a pot had been to the left of the nepeta (see below) so was able to dig there and plant the safflower seedlings there

safflower seedlings Carthamus tinctorius

same with the milk thistle seedlings, I had to plant them where the pots were

milk thistle seedlings Silybum marianum

milk thistle seedlings Silybum marianum

29-6-2024 the garden on my patio growing in the cracks: red deadnettle, poppy, selfheal

close-up of the deadnettle

red deadnettle





prickly sow thistle

prickly sow thistle



green alkanet

green alkanet

28-6-2024 today's speckled petunias

speckled petunias

corncockle and cornflowers

corncockle cornflowers


cornflowers M+S Pollinator Flowers

purple loosestrife first floret opening

purple loosestrife

ribwort plantain huge flower

ribwort plantain

24-6-2024 Lauren's grape with a bee (maybe a little difficult to see)

lauren's grape poppy with bee

Verbena hastata I bought as plug plants, now blooming

verbena hastata

verbena hastata

verbena hastata

scabious in bloom



one in bloom and lots of buds


this self-seeded on my patio, not sure where it came from, wish I could repot it but doubt it would survive


bee on edelweiss (Leontopodium alpina)

edelweiss bee


fox-and-cubs Pilosella aurantica

Speckled petunias

speckled petunias

scarlet monkey flower (Mimulus cardinalis)

scarlet monkey flower Mimulus cardinalis

Salvia sylvestris Rose Queen and Salvia sylvestris Blue Queen

salvia Rose Queen Blue Queen

campanulas around giant knapweed seedlings planted out

giant knapweed seedlings campanula

magic of an unmown verge

verges can be a magical place for wildflowers


I've never seen so many teasels


the season for ragwort in bloom


closer view of the Sisyrinchium striatum shown in the centre above

sisyrinchium striatum

Echium vulgare

echium vulgare


lots of creeping potentilla

creeping cinquefoil

creeping cinquefoil

the pink flowers are common centaury


large swathes of common centaury, most I've ever seen


close-up of common centaury

common centaury






creeping thistle buds

creeping thistle buds

on the other side of the road, smooth sow thistle with a bee

smooth sow thistle bee

wild carrot

wild carrot

wild carrot

wild carrot

wild carrot

wild carrot

ragwort, corn marigold above

ragwort corn marigold

goatsbeard seedhead


wild lettuce

wild lettuce

wild lettuce buds

wild lettuce buds

wild lettuce buds

Lepidium campestre ? seeds

lepidium seeds

buck's-horn plantain

buckshorn plantain

wildflowers on a building site

friend's building work started, garden churned up (previously lawn) but left so it gave the poppies (and others) a chance to bloom

Sweet William catchfly (Atocion armeria)

 sweet william catchfly Atocion armeria






purple toadflax

purple toadflax

purple toadflax

beaked hawk's-beard (Crepis vesicaria)

Crepis vesicaria

pink linaria

pink linaria




lesser swinecress

lesser swinecress

mid-June 2024

the latest speckled petunia

speckled petunia

I am loving this Verbascaum Arctic Summer I bought at the garden centre, a bargain as 1 of 5 perennials for £20

verbascaum arctic summer

not sure which side is a better view, some of my seedlings in the background - growing from seed is slow! especially this year when it's been so cold, so it's great to buy some small plants at the garden centre (I can recommend Plants Direct (Roundbush Lane, Aldenham), I've tried different garden centres since moving and this is the only I've been to more than once)

verbascum arctic summer

self-seeded Lauren's Grape poppy

Lauren's Grape poppy

self-seeders at the base of the poppy: spotted persicaria (love those leaves), teasel seedling, red poppy in bud, forget-me-not and others

latest hardy geranium blooms

hardy geranium

hardy geranium

I do love self-seeders. Left, an iris I found in a pot I bought from a garden centre, hoping it's a reasonable iris. Right, Iris foetidissima I found in a pot I brought with me from my old garden where I had lots and lots of Iris foetidissima. Surprised I've only found 1 seedling in the pots I brought as I used to have lots of seedlings. I'll have to have a closer look, maybe there are others.

iris seedlings

red poppies, purple loosestrife and other water plants behind, awaiting a pond I'm planning to dig - just a shallow one

red / field / common / corn poppy

my first verbascum blattaria in bloom a week ago

verbascum blattaria

another in bud yesterday

verbascum blattaria

An update on the M+S Flower Shop Pollinator Flowers Bee Attracting Selection started end of March: mostly white tunic flower (Petrorhagia saxifraga) and something similar in pink (still researching, no details of species given on packaging) and I see the odd corncockle and cornflower in bud. Nothing like the photo! I am a sucker for this type of product - they saw me coming. Always hopeful but ultimately disappointing. And haven't seen a bee on anything in this pot but the weather has been terrible and I don't have many bees in my garden to be fair.
M+S Flower Shop Pollinator Flowers Bee Attracting Mix

M+S Flower Shop Pollinator Flowers Bee Attracting Selection

M+S Flower Shop Pollinator Flowers Bee Attracting Mix
The cornflower pot is in bud and does what it says on the tin - cornflowers! Also started end of March.
M+S Flower Shop Cornflower Bee Attracing Mix
M+S Flower Shop Cornflower Bee Attracting Mix
centaurea montana amethyst
slug-eaten lupin
green alkanet - my garden is getting to be the kind of garden I like - lots of green alkanet - I love it! the bees love it!
green alkanet Pentaglottis sempevirens
green alkanet pentaglottis sempevirens
sawwort Serratula tinctoria
navelwort Umbilicus rupestris
3rd navelwort is partly under the fox-and-cubs leaves
Umbilicus rupestris navelwort
fox-and-cubs, flowering stem with buds, one red spreading stem bottom left, that navelwort middle left
fox-and-cubs Pilosella aurantiaca
ladybird larva
ladybird larva on giant scabious cephalaria gigantea

June 2024

13-6-2024  I bought this pot from ebay and this lamb's ear was in it. I just left it knowing they were resilient and the bees like them.

lamb's ear stachy byzantina

close-up of the first flower

lamb's ear stachys byzantina

also bought from ebay, these two pots into which I put my seed-grown nasturtium, it's been so cold, surprised to see buds yesterday

nasturtium buds

the water figwort's been blooming happily

water figwort

what happens in my garden: trying to grow from seed, self-seeders I love such as poppies, overly enthusiastic self-seeders such as selfheal which has filled up too many pots

9-6-2024 more Lauren's Grape poppy flowers open, views from both sides

laurens grape poppy

laurens grape poppy

as well as the Lauren's Grape poppies, I have common / field / red / corn poppies self-seeded, I also see some opium poppies there that had self-seeded in the pot I planted there but not sure which variety so awaiting flowering, some of my seedlings above and below the poppies, sawwort above, nepeta to the left

common corn red field poppy

more red poppies with Victor in the background

red common field corn poppy

latest geranium flowers, the previous owner of this garden obviously likes geraniums as there are lots in the garden

hardy geranium

hardy geranium

water figwort, I had some small-ish seedlings which I popped in the ground and surprised to see them blooming in a very short time

water figwort

ox-eye daisy, I had lots in my last garden but only 1 plant seems to have come with me to the new garden

ox-eye daisy

8-6-2024 scabious flowers looking great, bees have been visiting


First Lauren's Grape poppies in bloom from self-seeding, not sure when they self-seeded but some time last year. I did plant some seeds but the seedlings are miniscule. It's been so cold this spring, my seedlings (from seeds that actually germinated)  are so small I can't imagine I'm going to see any flowers from them this year.

laurens grape poppy

first flower (Petrorhagia saxifraga, I think, the flower varieties are not listed on the packaging) from the M+S Pollinator Flowers Bee Attracintg Selection pot

Petrorhagia saxifraga

petrorhagia saxifraga

M+S Pollinator Flowers Bee Attracting Selection

M+S Pollinator Flowers Bee Attracting Selection

M+S Cornflower Bee Attracting Mix

M+S cornflower bee attracting mix

latest speckled petunias

speckled petunias

speckled petunias

speckled petunia

this one is only half-speckled

speckled petunia

this one has no speckling but got into the speckled mix



bees are loving the giant scabious (Cephalaria gigantea)

giant scabious Cephalaria gigantea with bee

I am loving the speckled petunias - I don't often buy bedding plants but for these I made an exception

speckled petunia

speckled petunia

speckled petunia

speckled petunia

prickly sow thistle, lots in my new garden, yellow flowers are cheerful

prickly sow thistle

I've found various wild plants in my new garden

hawkweed oxtongue

hawkweed oxtongue

bristly oxtongue

bristly oxtongue

a few beaked hawk's-beard

crepis vesicaria beaked hawk's-beard

crepis vesicaria beaked hawk's-beard

crepis vesicaria beaked hawk's-beard

crepis vesicaria beaked hawk's-beard

end of May 2024

bee on a hardy geranium

hardy geranium with bee

bee just inside one of the foxglove flowers at the bottom

foxglove with bee

ladybird larva

ladybird larva

I was worried it was only 1 or 2 bees in the garden I kept seeing but today I saw 4 at once so I know I have at least those four and I saw a smaller bee, definitely a different type so I have at least 5. Two on the giant scabious (2 photos, I just love seeing them up there), 1 on the melancholy thistle and 1 on a dandelion. I couldn't photograph the small one which was on a green alkanet.

giant scabious cephalaria gigantea

giant scabious with bee cephalaria gigantea

melancholy thistle with bee Cirsium heterophyllum

dandelion with bee

a few days before

after the rain finally stopped, a bee on a dandelion; dandelions have become a treasured plant in my garden and when the bees are feeding from them, I am happy

bee on dandelion

foxglove, hoping I might see a bee go into a flower but I don't have that many bees in the new garden, sadly


lupin, one day might see a bee


jacob's ladder just coming into bloom

jacobs ladder

my seed-grown Centaurea montana finally in bloom

centaurea montana

cultivar Amethyst bought from a garden centre

centaurea montana amethyst

giant scabious in bud

giant scabious cephalaria gigantea

giant scabious cephalaria gigantea

Annual Mercury (Mercurialis annua), large female flower fruits - usually I have to hunt under the leaves for them but these were so large, so easy to see

annual mercury Mercuralis annua

annual mercury Mercuralis annua

annual mercury Mercuralis annua

male flowers for comparison

annual mercury Mercuralis annua

pellitory-of-the-wall (Parietaria judaica) flowers

Parietaria judaica pellitory-of-the-wall

Frankenstein Plants

that's what I call plants growing through each other and so close together they look like one plant but on closer examination they are separate plants, 2024's Frankenstein plants so far

May 2024

hawkweed oxtongue (Picris hieracioides) at the base of a willowherb (Epilobium species)

frankenstein plant

bristly oxtongue (Helminthotheca echioides), smooth hawk's-beard (Crepis capillaris)?, shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)

frankenstein plant

April 2024

a few different shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris), forget-me-not (Myosotis species)

frankenstein plant


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